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Topics - Felix91

Pages: [1]
Network / Which IP Adress i have to use?
« on: July 15, 2017, 11:38:18 pm »
i wrote a program and with my local ip address all works fine to me but i gave the program another person and he told me that the connection to the server failed so i tried with my public address but than also on my computer the connection to the server failed. Now I dont know which IP address i have to use.
Can someone explain me it?

Audio / Calculate Sample Array to Volume
« on: July 10, 2017, 11:18:42 pm »
Sorry for my bad english.
I'm writing a little Voice Chat program and i'm nearly done. I already found out that the highest value of a short Sample Array describes how loud the sound is. But i want to know how i can convert this in volume. Does anyone know that?

Pages: [1]