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Topics - AndyOrange

Pages: [1]
Feature requests / Support floating point wav files
« on: November 02, 2017, 10:21:26 am »
For projects where users can include files of their choice, floating point wav should definitely be supported. This is basically the default for apps such as Audacity, other apps (Nero) don't even offer integer wav file format as output. And instructing customers to convert is not an option imho.


Audio / Test sound device
« on: August 15, 2017, 12:54:28 pm »
I really hope this is not some kind of duplicate, but I could not find a similar question. How can I test for validity of a sound device both initially and during playback of a file (in my case Windows)? I other words, consider, when no headphones or speakers are connected I am getting tons of openAL error message logs, and if I unplug them during playback, things even crash. I would prefer an sfml only sfml way without having to fal back to openal.
Looking forward to hearing from you,

Greetings all,

due to real time demans in a current project I need to read an mp3-file (now that the license is free) into a buffer from where to play it, intending to use sf::Sound and sf::SoundBuffer. However, the callback of sfml which calls the "read" methode seems to only work with sf::Music and thus only offers reading from files while playing (worse, it seems to automatically stop playing when macCount bytes are read...). That is a no go in my case -- any idea how to combine a custom player/reader/opener with sf::Sound and sf::SoundBuffer such that I can preallocate the buffer (unique_ptr for instance) and play from memory?

Thanks a lot for help,

P.S.: I tried using sf::Sound::loadFromFile and sf::Music::openFromFile, only the latter worked.

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