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Topics - billarhos

Pages: [1]
General / sfeMovie + SFML 2.5.1
« on: February 25, 2019, 07:31:29 pm »
Hi, i 'm posting here because there is no more an active forum for sfemovie library.

Has anyone a working sfemovie lib with 2.5.1 version of SFML?

I built it from source but video (ogv) can not be played. Working just fine with 2.4.2 version of SFML.

thank you


i try to figure out how to rotate a square texture (512x512) around a center of a given rectangle (not square).
here is a my code.

void cSprite::render(sf::FloatRect _dstRect, float _angle, sf::Color color)
        if (visible)
                float angle =  _angle / 180.f * (float)M_PI;
                float cos = cosf(angle);
                float sin = sinf(angle);
                sf::Sprite              sprite;

                float x = _dstRect.width / size.x;
                float y = _dstRect.height / size.y;
                sf::FloatRect rect = sprite.getGlobalBounds();
                sprite.setPosition(sf::Vector2f(_dstRect.left + _dstRect.width / 2, _dstRect.top + _dstRect.height / 2));
                sprite.setOrigin(sf::Vector2f(rect.width / 2, rect.height / 2));

                sprite.setScale(sf::Vector2f(x, y));


i am trying to make a roulette.
the problem is shown in the attached image
thank you for any suggestions


Graphics / Potential bug
« on: October 11, 2017, 09:14:09 pm »
Hi, i am facing a strange issue with timelinefx library. Everything is working just fine in debug until i compiled for release. All effects i used are renderred correct in debug but stretched in release. It may has to do with alpha channel.

I am using the latest sfml version with visual studio 2015.

The guy who port the c++ sfml port for timelinefx library (fradakilla) gave me a solution that is working for release and debug. But the previous code should worked out of the box.

I have create a repro project for everyone who is interested to invastigate this issue.

To work with the fixed code (that is working for both debug and release) uncomment #define FIXED_BY_FRADAKILA


//working correct both in debug  and release
bool SfmlImage::Load(const char *filename)
        _texture = new sf::Texture();

        std::string path = filename;

        sf::Image tmpImage;


        return true;

//working correct only in debug
bool SfmlImage::Load( const char *filename )
    _texture = new sf::Texture();

    std::string path = filename;


    return true;

thanks in advance

Pages: [1]