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Topics - gamecreator

Pages: [1]
Graphics / Drawing Outside of RenderTexture
« on: May 15, 2019, 06:34:16 pm »
I know the documentation states that using SetPixel outside of an Image is undefined.  What about drawing shapes on a RenderTexture?  The Draw documentation doesn't mention this, that I've found.  This is broken up into two questions then, because I'm drawing a thick line to a RenderTexture:

1.  Must the beginning and end points of a line be inside the RenderTexture?
2.  Must all pixels of a thick line be inside the RenderTexture?

Unlike SetPixel on an Image, I haven't had the program crash on me yet for drawing outside the RenderTarget but I'd like to know for sure.

Thank you.

Graphics / Text Strangeness
« on: April 23, 2018, 01:35:37 am »
I think I'm not understanding how text is supposed to be properly displayed.  This is my current code, trying to show 3 lines of information.

   std::stringstream buff3, buff4, buff5;
   buff3.clear(); buff4.clear(); buff5.clear();

   buff3<<"Lives: "<<lives;

   buff4<<"Level: "<<levelnumber;

   buff5<<"Flips: "<<flipsremaining;

The strange thing is that when I change a position, compile and run, it doesn't change the position on the screen.  If I change a color, it always changes and I think always then fixes the position.  Pretty sure I also don't need multiple stringstreams but using only 1 and clearing it didn't work either.

Feature requests / Visual Studio 2017 Support
« on: April 21, 2018, 10:30:07 pm »
It's been a year since Visual Studio 2017 came out.  A package should be available on the download page and directions should be updated.  I just tried to enter the Ludum Dare with SFML again and I had to go through hoops only to end up with an error I couldn't fix because the sample program wouldn't run.

Feature requests / Protected Asset Support
« on: February 06, 2018, 09:35:54 am »
It is a standard feature in most engines to be able to package your files and have them be protected at least minimally.  I'm under the impression that SFML doesn't do this and I'd ask that it be implemented.

I'm aware that a dedicated person can hack/rip whatever they want but this is coverage for two things:

1.  The majority of the people so that they can't just navigate to the folders of resources and freely take whatever they want.
2.  Many assets you purchase require that you protect them with at least a basic layer of a password protected file or similar.

It also makes your folders cleaner to have a single resource file instead of thousands of them.

Thanks for considering.

SFML projects / Ludum Dare 40 entry: Burden of Dirt
« on: December 05, 2017, 03:49:20 am »

I released this mini game today (source included).  It was developed over the weekend.  I'm happy with how it turned out but the bigger reason I wanted to post this is because I only downloaded/installed/learned SFML starting late last week.  It's a testament to how easy SFML really is to learn so mostly I just wanted to congratulate the devs on an awesome job!  (The documentation page on setting up with Visual Studio is perfect and the documentation/help threads were also very useful when I needed them.)

I come from a background of Allegro originally and I loved the simplicity of HGE back when it was still being developed.  I now use Leadwerks for 3D (again, C/C++) but I wanted to learn a new engine and use only 2D for this competition.  Thanks again for everything!

Graphics / Get Color Index (256 color)
« on: December 03, 2017, 02:29:13 am »
I've been looking through the Image Class Reference and it seems like SFML can't do this but I just want to confirm.  I'm drawing a tile map out in a graphics program where each pixel represents a tile.  I was hoping to read the image into SFML and have it tell me which color index each pixel is (from 0 to 255) so I can draw the proper tile based on that.  However, while I can get the RGBA values, I can't find where I could get the pixel color index.  Is this possible with SFML?  If so, how can I do this?  I have no problem with writing a converter or something but just checking here first.  Thanks for any help.

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