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Topics - krab

Pages: [1]
Audio / Error creating sf::SoundBuffer
« on: May 06, 2018, 06:15:53 pm »
I get a memory error when trying to create a sf::SoundBuffer:

Code: [Select]
Cannot lock down 82274202 byte memory area (Cannot allocate memory)
Cannot lock down 82274202 byte memory area (Cannot allocate memory)
Cannot use real-time scheduling (RR/5)(1: Operation not permitted)
JackClient::AcquireSelfRealTime error

That's before I try to load from a file. It even happens when this is the only code:

Code: [Select]
sf::SoundBuffer buf;
Besides this problem, I've been trying to understand why SFML uses jack server to output audio, but I can't find any useful information on that topic (I use Ubuntu 17.10)

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