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Topics - Dragnalith

Pages: [1]
General discussions / SFML runtime for OS X
« on: October 11, 2013, 12:35:17 am »
When you compile SFML on OS X, you need to install Freetype to run your SFML application ( at least in OS X 10.8 ). This is done with make install which copy freetype.framework at the right place. But when you distribute your app, you do not want the user to have to install the framework.

What are the right ways to solve this problem? Make an .app bundle with the freetype framework? An install script to copy the framework? Put the .framework in the same folder than your SFML application binary?

I am working on an SFML project driven by CMake: http://github.com/Dragnalith/Nawp
To avoid cross-platform dependency problems I have included SFML in my repo, managed with the subtree merge feature of git. SFML CMakeLists.txt is included in my main CMakeLists.txt with add_subdirectory. When I do the build, everything is built automatically, wonderful!

My problem is on OS X, because of Freetype you need to install SFML (e.g do a make install) to copy the framework on your system, otherwise you have a yld: Library not loaded. This step breaks my seamless build workflow.

I'd like to make my app look for the framework in the path of my project and not in /Library/Framework. How can I do that?

(On Windows, one solution would be to copy the .dll in the same folder as my .exe, but I don't know how it works on OS X)

General / SFML2 - Compile XCode template - link error
« on: July 12, 2012, 08:12:13 am »
I have just install SFML2 RC on my Mac with the wizard. I run Xcode and choose the SFML template. Then I try to compile it but I have a
ld: library not found for -lsfml-system-d
link error.

I have check /usr/local/lib and /Library/Framework and there no .a file just the .dylib. I guess that's why Xcode can't link.
It's the first time I develop with with Mac, but it's not weird not to have .a file for linking?

General discussions / Go binding for SFML
« on: July 12, 2012, 07:26:04 am »
Some weeks go I fell in love of Go (golang.org), and because I really like SFML I would like to use it with Go.
There is no binding yet, so instead of waiting for someone doing, I should do it myself.

Right now, the only way to bind C++ to Go is using SWIG. I have read an old post speaking about SWIG. Are PySFML and rbSFML using SWIG ?
Is there some work used for the previous binding I can use ?

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