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Topics - tsiegel

Pages: [1]
General discussions / What's involved with making a new binding for sfml?
« on: September 11, 2010, 12:02:20 am »
I'd like to create sfml bindings for use with pascal on osx.  Ideally, the bindings would work with both fpc and gpc, but one or the other is fine as well.  My question:  What do I need to do to make sfml usable from either of these compilers? If I need to translate the c headers to pascal, that's fine, but I'm not sure if that's necessary (especially with gpc) so, if anyone has any suggestions/ideas, (of course, saying ask on the gpc forums is ok) I could really use this port.  Also, does anyone have any idea what work would be required to make the python bindings work on OSX? If anyone knows, and can let me know, I'd be more than happy to do the work, I just need some pointers/assistance on getting started on these things.
(oh, I'll do the perl bindings for osx too once I figure out how) :)

General / cannot render this glyph format
« on: August 24, 2010, 02:26:10 am »
I had an error
Failed to load font from disk (cannot render this glyph format)
but after looking at this thread,
I moved the font loading code after the window creation, and now the loading from disk error went away, but I still have a load from memory error instead.  I'm not trying to load from memory, so I'm assuming this is something the lib does internally, but why would it spit out this error if the file is obviously present?
Needless to say, anything rendered with this font writes nothing to the screen, so if someone has some ideas, I'd sure appreciate them.  Using osx 10.5, sfml1.6, and gcc 4.04.

Graphics / Rotating images on OSX (10.5) and sfml 1.6
« on: August 12, 2010, 05:20:35 am »
I'm having some trouble with a program I was putting together for my wife, just some quick graphical functions, such as flipping, rotating, shading, etc.  It seems that rotating is broken on osx using sfml 1.6 (or I'm doing something wrong)
When I call the code to rotate a sprite 90 degrees, it does nothing the first time, a second attempt splits the image into two, and subsequent pairs of calls produce another image.  Rotating the other direction undoes the buplicates, but still, no rotation takes place.
Am I doing something wrong? I don't initialize any parts of the sprite, everything is left at the loaded defaults.
Also, when I call resize on the sprite, increasing the y value by 0.1 units, the picture breaks up into a scattering of shapes (mostly squares).  I can't explain it any better than that, because that's all my Daughter says about it, and she's only 5, but my wife confirmed that's the behavior (whatever that means).
So, should I be initializing the the sprite values to something particular to stop this behavior, or is there a bug in the osx version of 1.6 sfml libs? And if so, how do I get around it (calling opengl directly?)
The picture I'm using is one from:
Just displaying the parrot works just fine, flipping the x or y axis works fine, although trying to save the newly flipped/reversed image doesn't work either.  I couldn't get anyone to tell me what the error message said, though I'll keep working on that one.  I realize that part isn't terribly helpful, but I thought I'd toss it in just in case it's relevant.  Only increasing the y value by 0.1 causes graphical misbehavior, and as I said, trying to rotate it does nothing until it's been rotated more than once.  Any assistance would be appreciated, and please be specific, as code is all I have to work with, since the graphics aren't for my benefit, since I can't see them anyhow. :)

Audio / Reusing sound buffers with new data
« on: July 28, 2010, 05:39:04 am »
Not for me, but someone has asked me how to reuse buffers in sfml, and as far as I can tell, it's not doable.  Could someone confirm/deny this for me.
The scenario is this:
1. Load a audio file (works)
2 Assign it to a buffer (works)
3 Play said audio snippet (works)
4 deallocate memory used for buffer (I.E. set buffer to null)
5 load new sound
6 assign to previously used buffer w/o making a new one (I think Sound.SetBuffer() does this)

Basically, I think the question is whether or not buffer content can be deallocated until reinitialized at a later time.
The purpose (I think) is to load audio files, play them, then move to new levels, and reload the buffers with new sounds without using any additional memory.
Is there something other than SetBuffer that can be used to nullify a buffer until it's services are required again?
For my purposes, simply reassigning the buffer seems to be perfectly acceptable, but I'm being asked how to free memory used by a buffer w/o loosing the buffer itself.
Dunno how to do that (yet) so if anyone has ideas/suggestions/hard facts, I sure would be happy to pass them on. :)

Audio / positional sound under osx
« on: March 17, 2010, 07:32:09 pm »
Well, I had a post here about being unable to get positional audio to work on osx, but I didn't try a mono sample, more later after I've tried that.

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