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Topics - shmonck

Pages: [1]
Network / Ignore packet
« on: February 28, 2020, 01:25:42 pm »
The code:
struct PacketData
 ClientData clientData;
 uint8_t header[1];
 sf::Packet packet;
 sf::Socket::Status status;
 time_point recieveTime;


while (!m_shutdown)
 if (!m_selector.wait(sf::seconds(1.0f)))

  size_t recieved;
  std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(m_socketMutex);
  packetData.status = m_socket.receive(packetData.header, 1, recieved, packetData.clientData.address, packetData.clientData.port);

 const auto& isOnIgnoreList = std::find_if(m_ignoreList.begin(), m_ignoreList.end(), [&packetData](const ClientData& clientData) {return packetData.clientData == clientData; }) != m_ignoreList.end();

 if (isOnIgnoreList)
  // HERE! How to ignore the packet without recieving it?


I'm trying to implement a "IP ban", and my question is: does SFML allow to somehow ignore the packet without actually receiving it? Because if I just ignore the packet, the selector.wait will return true all the time as there's data to read.

Also just noticed, the first .recieve returns an error and reads 0 bytes... why? There's only one socket in selector.

Pages: [1]