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Topics - Marfi

Pages: [1]
General / Problem with static linking SFML 2.5.1
« on: June 06, 2020, 04:43:22 pm »
Hello to everyone.
I'm having issues when trying to static link.

I'm using this version of sfml 2.5.1  and
g++ --version
g++ (MinGW.org GCC-6.3.0-1) 6.3.0

if I try to compile with dynamic link everything is going fine
g++   -g main.cpp -I"e:\SFML-2.5.1\include" -o main.exe -L"e:\SFML-2.5.1\lib" -lsfml-graphics-d   -lsfml-window-d   -lsfml-system-d   -lopengl32 -lwinmm -lgdi32

but if I try to static link
g++ -DSFML_STATIC -g main.cpp -I"e:\SFML-2.5.1\include" -o main.exe -L"e:\SFML-2.5.1\lib" -lsfml-graphics-s-d -lsfml-window-s-d -lsfml-system-s-d -lopengl32 -lwinmm -lgdi32

I have got:
e:\SFML-2.5.1\lib/libsfml-system-s-d.a(Err.cpp.obj): In function `sync':
D:/Programming/C++/Releases/_Sources/SFML/src/SFML/System/Err.cpp:87: undefined reference to `_imp____acrt_iob_func'
collect2.exe: error: ld returned 1 exit status

Can anyone point me what I'm doing wrong?

Pages: [1]