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Topics - Wake

Pages: [1]
Hi, so I made a std::unordered_map to contain my user input key bindings. I have a struct called "Bindings" that contains the following members.
Code: [Select]
struct Binding
Binding() {}

Binding(InputType inputTypes, sf::Event::EventType eventType1, sf::Event::EventType eventType2,
    sf::Keyboard::Key keyCode1, sf::Keyboard::Key keyCode2,
sf::Mouse::Button mouseCode1, sf::Mouse::Button mouseCode2)
            : my_InputTypes{ inputTypes }, m_enumEventType1 {eventType1}, m_enumEventType2 { eventType2 },
        m_keyCode1{ keyCode1 }, m_keyCode2{ keyCode2 }, m_mouseCode1{ mouseCode1 },
    m_mouseCode2{ mouseCode2 }{}

InputType my_InputTypes;
sf::Event::EventType m_enumEventType1;
sf::Event::EventType m_enumEventType2;
sf::Keyboard::Key m_keyCode1;
sf::Keyboard::Key m_keyCode2;
sf::Mouse::Button m_mouseCode1;
sf::Mouse::Button m_mouseCode2;


using BindingMap = std::unordered_map<std::string, Binding >;

I read a .csv file to enter my bindings.
Code: [Select]
void EventManager::LoadBindings()
std::ifstream keyBindings("Keys.csv");

if (!keyBindings.is_open()) { std::cout << "Error loading Keys.csv..."; }

int number_of_lines = 0;
std::string lineCount;

while (std::getline(keyBindings, lineCount))
std::cout << "Number of lines in .csv file: " << number_of_lines << '\n';


std::string mapKey;
std::string myInputType;
std::string eventType1;
std::string eventType2;
std::string keyCode1;
std::string keyCode2;
std::string mouseCode1;
std::string mouseCode2;

for (int i=0; i <= (number_of_lines-1); ++i)
std::getline(keyBindings, mapKey,',');
std::getline(keyBindings, myInputType,',');
std::getline(keyBindings, eventType1,',');
std::getline(keyBindings, eventType2, ',');
std::getline(keyBindings, keyCode1,',');
std::getline(keyBindings, keyCode2,',');
std::getline(keyBindings, mouseCode1,',');
std::getline(keyBindings, mouseCode2,'\n');

std::cout << mapKey << "|"
<< stoi(myInputType) << "|"
<< stoi(eventType1) << "|"
<< stoi(eventType2) << "|"
<< stoi(keyCode1) << "|"
<< stoi(keyCode2) << "|"
<< stoi(mouseCode1) << "|"
<< stoi(mouseCode2) << '\n';

m_bindingMap.insert(std::pair <std::string, Binding>
(mapKey, { static_cast<InputType>(stoi(myInputType)),


void EventManager::PrintMap()
for (auto element : m_bindingMap)
std::cout << element.first << " :: " << static_cast<int>(element.second.my_InputTypes)
   << " :: " << static_cast<int>(element.second.m_enumEventType1)
   << " :: " << static_cast<int>(element.second.m_enumEventType1)
                       << " :: " << static_cast<int>(element.second.m_keyCode1)
                       << " :: " << static_cast<int>(element.second.m_keyCode2)
                       << " :: " << static_cast<int>(element.second.m_mouseCode1)
                       << " :: " << static_cast<int>(element.second.m_mouseCode2)
   << std::endl;
The map works perfectly and is tested... Now, I'm trying to make a multikey bool that flags "true" if 2 or more buttons are pressed at the same time.
Code: [Select]
bool EventManager::TestEvent(Binding binding, sf::Event event)
if ((binding.my_InputTypes == InputType::MultikeyEvent) &&
(binding.m_enumEventType1 == event.KeyPressed) &&
(binding.m_enumEventType2 == event.MouseButtonPressed) &&
(binding.m_keyCode1 == event.key.code) &&
(binding.m_mouseCode1 == event.mouseButton.button))
return (true);

return (false);

For this example, the keycode = 0 for "A" and the mouse button code = 0 for "Left Mouse Button". I'm trying to register "true" when they are both pressed together. However, with this if statement it will register "true" if I press "A" or the "Left Mouse Button" separately. What am I missing here!? I only want it to be "true" if they are both pressed at the same time.


Please see the images below;

#Image 1: Collision.hp - I have a sf::SoundBuffer m_SoundBuffer; & sf::Sound m_Sound member variables.

#Image 2: Collision.cpp - In the Collision Class Constructor, I'm loading the .wav to the m_SoundBuffer and setting it to m_Sound;

#Image 3: Collision.cpp - I want the void function to play the sound if (bool m_IsColliding == true).

Result = The sound doesn't play when colliding with the item! :/


Please see the attached images below.

Image #1 shows how I set the origin of the sf::RectangleShape.
I want it to be in the dead center. So half of x & y.

Image #2 shows how I'm trying to set the position of the text to the origin of the sf::RectangleShape.

Image #3 shows that the text is nowhere near the text box. What happened?

I saw you can set an origin for the sf::Text. Should I make it half the font size for x & y? Does that even matter?



Please see the attached images.

So, I've built a collision class and I want to display a rectangle object with some text in it when there is a collision between the player and the pickup item.

I got the rectangle shape to appear and disappear perfectly on collision, however when I do the same process for the sf::Text, I get an error in Virtual Studio 2019 that states:

"Unhandled exception at 0x00007FFAB2D169DB (sfml-graphics-d-2.dll) in RPG.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF."

The text draws perfectly in the main function, however, I'd like to return this from the Collision class and create a switch for different messages depending on the item being picked up.


Pages: [1]