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Topics - TraverseBiTree

Pages: [1]
General discussions / When will you release SFML 2.6.0 officially?
« on: February 22, 2023, 04:40:25 pm »
When will you release SFML 2.6.0 officially?
Looking forward to it.  :D

I try to build SFML project with CMAKE , but an error occurred . Just like below:

  SFML found but some of its dependencies are missing ( FreeType OpenAL
  VorbisFile VorbisEnc Vorbis Ogg FLAC)

My CMakeLists.txt is:

  cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.16)
  set(SFML_DIR "../SFML-master-t2")
  find_package(SFML REQUIRED COMPONENTS audio network graphics window system)
  add_executable(Test01 main.cpp)
  target_link_libraries(Test01 sfml-graphics sfml-audio sfml-network sfml-window sfml-system)

When I compile a project linked to the dynamic version of SFML , I must put the SFML DLLs with the same directory with .EXE file .Like this:

But I don't want them in the same directory and I don't want to set environment for these DLLs. How can I do that??


OS: Windows 10 20H2
CMake gui: 3.20.1
SFML ver: From github

I run all the SFML examples downloaded from offical website , all example programs run ok without problem .

But , when I run my cmake SFML example , except for ftp.exe , sockets.exe , voip.exe (maybe don't use opengl) run normally ,other programs like island.exe , shader.exe , win32.exe (use opengl) run with problem , the window is displayed and then disappears immediately.  Whether SFML_OPENGL_ES option is checked or not and whether the compiler is Mingw or MSVS when I cmake from source .

General / Why the examples(.exe) I built by cmake will report errors?
« on: April 13, 2021, 03:01:19 pm »
OS: Windows 10 20H2
CMake gui: 3.20.1
SFML ver: From github

I downloaded the zip file from SFML official website and run the example(.exe) , all ok and no error without any dependencies(.dll).

But I cmaked the SFML by myself ,then run the example(.exe), then report errors:”Can't find sfml-system-2.dll, can't find sfml-network-2.dll ...“ .

I wonder why the example program (.exe) downloaded from the official website can be run directly without relying on the library file(.dll), but the program I build or compile depends on the library file(.dll). How can I build or compile them so that I don’t need to put the executable file(.exe) and library files(.dll) together?

Thank you so much anyone can tell me !

General / I just can't cmake SFML from source , help me .
« on: April 12, 2021, 04:27:44 pm »
OS: Windows 10 20H2
CMake gui: 3.20.1
SFML ver: 2.5.1
Compiler: mingW-w64 、TDM 、MSVS2019
I'm compiling SFML with CMake , follows the guide 【https://www.sfml-dev.org/tutorials/2.5/compile-with-cmake.php】 online . And I've set all the neccessary environment variables .

Then I use CMake gui , set paths of source code and output , click 'Configure' button .
An error occurred while executing to VORBIS and failed . Just like the image shows.

Then I use command line and `make` ,All of the libs are generated except audio . Who can tell me why??

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