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Topics - EBregains

Pages: [1]
Graphics / State machine and sf::Drawable
« on: August 07, 2021, 12:57:35 am »
I have recently created my account here and wanted to ask this simple question just to start getting familiar with the forum.

I am starting my first project with SFML wich is a basic 2D scroller prototype. I decided to implement a State Machine for the Main Menu and the Game scene, using inheritance. Something like:

// Base class
class State {
virtual void Update(float deltaTime);
// Derived classes
class MainMenu : public State {
class GameScene : public State {

Should I make my State class inherit from sf::Drawable? That enables me to do:

//  rather than myAmazingState.top().Draw(_window);

Do you think this will cause me any trouble late in the development?

By the way, this will be called in my Application::Draw() function:

void Application::Draw() {

I found SFML very well written. So I would love to start participating in this froum. Thanks in advance!

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