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Topics - Kappa

Pages: [1]
So far, I am able to dynamically link SFML and run the executable just fine. However, statically linking the SFML errors saying:

sfml-graphics-s.lib(RenderWindow.cpp.obj) : error LNK2038: mismatch detected for 'RuntimeLibrary': value 'MD_DynamicRelease' doesn't match value 'MT_StaticRelease' in Main.o

My clang version and information are:
clang version 15.0.7
Target: x86_64-pc-windows-msvc
Thread model: posix
InstalledDir: ...
which made me not accomplish any solutions from quick google search about my problem as their build system or environment is different from mine.

I downloaded the SFML version for Visual Studio 64 bit, and then setted up the required search directories and linkers such as sfml-graphics-s.lib.
My command line is:
clang++.exe -DSFML_STATIC -fms-extensions -O2 -Wnon-virtual-dtor -Wall -std=c++14 -I"Deps\SFML\include" -c "Main.cpp" -o "Main.o"

clang++.exe -L"Deps\SFML\lib" -o "Main.exe" "Main.o" -m64 -lfreetype.lib -lopengl32.lib -lwinmm.lib -lgdi32.lib -luser32.lib -lsfml-window.lib -lsfml-graphics-s.lib -lsfml-system.lib

Audio / Playing sound outside the main function doesn't work.
« on: November 13, 2022, 02:02:00 am »
I'm trying to make an audio manager that stores the pointers of sound buffer in a **map**.
Retrieving the sound buffer pointers and playing them works fine inside the main function.

But when you play a sound outside the main function, it doesn't. Even when the sound buffer still exists.

An example code that recreates this problem:

void say()
        sf::SoundBuffer buffer;

        sf::Sound sound;

        sound.play(); // Doesn't play the sound.

int main()
        // SFML window stuff...

Pages: [1]