Graphics / [SFML1.6] Fading An Image In
« on: September 04, 2010, 04:54:56 pm »
I have realised that this question has been asked many times but i think my variation is unique.
I can get the image to fade in perfectly, but it doesnt display the image, it just displays a white box.
I saw that the deafult color for an image is white (255,255,255,255). So i assumed that i can just change the last paramater and it would work.
What i think i am doing is filling in the image with a white rectangle by doing this:
But thats not what i want to do, i just want to change it's alpha
I can get the image to fade in perfectly, but it doesnt display the image, it just displays a white box.
I saw that the deafult color for an image is white (255,255,255,255). So i assumed that i can just change the last paramater and it would work.
What i think i am doing is filling in the image with a white rectangle by doing this:
Code: [Select]
BallSprite.SetColor(Color(255,255,255,0)); //the ball sprite will be completely transparent?
But thats not what i want to do, i just want to change it's alpha