Window / x64 - GetEvent crash
« on: December 09, 2011, 10:20:18 pm »
I have an application that works well in 32 bit, however I'm having some problems with 64 bit.
The GetEvent method seems to crash my application.
I have compiled SFML 1.6 as a static library for x64 with /MDd.
I have traced the problem down to the very first call of GetEvent and then deeper into the code:
Where Message has the following values:
message = 799
wParam = 1
lParam = 0
time = 25335545
pt = {x=611, y=411}
Any ideas what could cause this our how to debug it?
If I just skip the GetEvent calls the application runs fine and the window is rendered, but it of course wont respond to any interaction.
On second thought this should proably go into the "Window" forum.
The GetEvent method seems to crash my application.
I have compiled SFML 1.6 as a static library for x64 with /MDd.
I have traced the problem down to the very first call of GetEvent and then deeper into the code:
Code: [Select]
void WindowImplWin32::ProcessEvents()
// We update the window only if we own it
if (!myCallback)
MSG Message;
while (PeekMessage(&Message, NULL, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE))
DispatchMessage(&Message); // access-violation
Where Message has the following values:
message = 799
wParam = 1
lParam = 0
time = 25335545
pt = {x=611, y=411}
Any ideas what could cause this our how to debug it?
If I just skip the GetEvent calls the application runs fine and the window is rendered, but it of course wont respond to any interaction.
On second thought this should proably go into the "Window" forum.