SFML projects / [Ruby] Ray
« on: February 08, 2011, 10:38:33 pm »
Here's a project I've been working on for some time. I wrote the original version using the SDL, but rewrote it with the SFML to get hardware acceleration and some of the features the SFML has.
The rewrite didn't change the whole API though. This means that, unlike rbsfml, binding the methods of the SFML is neither a goal nor a requirement. The SFML is merely a mean to get whatever I want (though I am indeed influenced by the way the SFML works).
As an example, here's one of rbsfml's samples:
This is how I'd write it with ray:
It uses a C extensions to bind the SFML's features, but an important part is still written just in Ruby.
As it requires the SFML 2, I wouldn't release it as a gem before the SFML 2's release.
I've written a file introducing to some of Ray's features, available on the github rebo where you can also find, aside from (of course) Ray's code, a few samples: https://github.com/Mon-Ouie/ray/tree/sfml (the master branch is still the version written with the SDL).
Here's a project I've been working on for some time. I wrote the original version using the SDL, but rewrote it with the SFML to get hardware acceleration and some of the features the SFML has.
The rewrite didn't change the whole API though. This means that, unlike rbsfml, binding the methods of the SFML is neither a goal nor a requirement. The SFML is merely a mean to get whatever I want (though I am indeed influenced by the way the SFML works).
As an example, here's one of rbsfml's samples:
Code: [Select]
require 'sfml/system'
require 'sfml/window'
require 'sfml/graphics'
app = SFML::RenderWindow.new
app.create( [800, 600], "My Ruby SFML" )
app.framerate = 100
app.position = [300, 300]
input = app.input
shape = SFML::Shape.rectangle( [-10, -10, 20, 20], SFML::Color::White )
image = SFML::Image.new
image.create( 100, 100, [255, 0, 0] )
sprite = SFML::Sprite.new( image, [500, 500] )
text = SFML::Text.new( "This is a test!" )
text.position = [ 20, 20 ]
while app.open?
while event = app.get_event
if event.type == SFML::Event::Closed
shape.position = [input.mouseX, input.mouseY]
app.draw shape
app.draw sprite
app.draw text
This is how I'd write it with ray:
Code: [Select]
require 'ray'
Ray.game "My Ruby SFML", :size => [800, 600] do
register do
add_hook :quit, method(:exit!)
scene :test do
@shape = Ray::Shape.rectangle([-10, -10, 20, 20], Ray::Color.white)
img = Ray::Image.new(:w => 100, :h => 100).fill(Ray::Color.red).update
@sprite = sprite(img, :at => [500, 500])
always do
@shape.position = [mouse_x, mouse_y]
@font = Ray::Font.default
render do |win|
@shape.draw_on win
@sprite.draw_on win
@font.draw("This is a test!", :on => win, :at => [20, 20], :size => 12)
push_scene :test
It uses a C extensions to bind the SFML's features, but an important part is still written just in Ruby.
As it requires the SFML 2, I wouldn't release it as a gem before the SFML 2's release.
I've written a file introducing to some of Ray's features, available on the github rebo where you can also find, aside from (of course) Ray's code, a few samples: https://github.com/Mon-Ouie/ray/tree/sfml (the master branch is still the version written with the SDL).