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Topics - Brumus14

Pages: [1]
Graphics / Tilemap rendering gap lines
« on: October 07, 2023, 07:23:36 pm »

I'm creating a tile based game in SFML with C++ and while I was rendering the map of tiles with the camera moving I get a bug where sometimes while moving the camera there are lines that appear between some of the tiles then they disappear for a while.

This was not happening until I tried to set the position of the mapSprite to the cameras position so I could create the mapTexture to the size of the camera instead of the size of the map in case it is big.

I have attached a video of what I mean. Any help would be appreciated and if you have any way I could improve my code that would be great.

Here is my Map class code:

(click to show/hide)

General / Cross-platform building from source code
« on: July 24, 2023, 04:54:33 pm »
Hello, I am somewhat new to SFML and have made a project. I created it on linux and building with g++ which was working fine, however I just want to know if there is any easy way to build from my projects source code to Windows, Linux and Mac.
Thanks for any help.

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