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Topics - Gibgezr

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Graphics / Code: how to scroll 1k+ tiles
« on: March 15, 2011, 09:14:56 pm »
This seems to pop up a lot, so I thought I'd share some code snippets to demonstrate how to code an off-screen tile cache to boost rendering performance.

This example is coded in a straight-forward manner, and has only the optimizations that it needs to get acceptable performance with large tile maps. In a production game, I would probably change the map array from a "vector of vector of ints" to use a "dynamic-yet-contiguous pointer-to-pointers-to-tiles" etc. etc.

Here is the header for a simple map class:
Code: [Select]

#ifndef _MAP_H
#define _MAP_H

Map data files have the following format:
<string filename>
<int number of tiles across the tilesheet>
<int cell width>
<int cell height>
<int map width>
<int map height>
<int map data, formatted as rows and columns seperated by spaces and newlines>
#include <SFML/graphics.hpp>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <fstream>

using namespace std;

class Map
int rows, cols; //the # of rows and columns in the map array
sf::RenderWindow *App;

sf::RenderImage *buffer; //the off-screen scroll buffer

//int target_x, target_y; //where, in world coordinates, we want to center the screen on
float scroll_offset_x, scroll_offset_y; //where we have scrolled to in the world, upper-left corner in pixels
int buffer_scroll_offset_x, buffer_scroll_offset_y; //where we have scrolled to in the buffer, upper-left corner in pixels
int buffer_index_x, buffer_index_y; //where, in map indices, the row and cols of the offscreen buffer start
int buffer_rows, buffer_cols;//how big the buffer is
sf::Sprite *buffer_sprite; //the sprite we use to copy from off-screen to screen
sf::Sprite *buffer2buffer_sprite; //the sprite we use to copy from off-screen to off-screen

sf::Image *tilepic;
sf::Sprite *tilesheet;
float origin_x, origin_y; // pixel offsets of where to start drawing the map on the screen
int num_tiles_across_screen; //how many tiles to display across
int num_tiles_down_screen; //how many tiles to display down
vector<vector<int>> *map; //our 2D map array
int cell_width, cell_height; //dimensions of a single tile, in pixels
int num_tiles_across_tilesheet;//how many tiles are in a row on the tilesheet

void FillBuffer(int index_x, int index_y);
void Scroll(float delta_x, float delta_y);
void SetScreen(float x, float y, int tiles_across, int tiles_down); //call before LoadMap
bool LoadMap(string fname);
bool SaveMap(string fname);
void DrawTile(int tile_num, int x, int y);
void DrawMap(void);
void FreeMem(void);
Map(sf::RenderWindow *the_App);


General discussions / Building/Compiling agaisnst static libs with SFML2
« on: February 17, 2011, 08:28:33 pm »
OK, I've got a little issue: I can't seem to get SFML 2 to link statically.

I'm using VS 2008 and VS 2010, depending on which machine I happen to be at.

I've sussessfully downloaded the SVN, run cmake, and can build release and debug versions of the libraries (there are no longer any options for making "static" versions of these, which I assume is OK).

In my test app, I've defined the preprocessor directive SFML_STATIC under configuration properties->C/C++->Preprocessor->Preprocessor Definitions.

I have removed paths to SFML 1.6 from my compiler, so as to make sure it isn't getting confused as to what version I am building against.

It builds the app fine, but when I run it, I get a windows message box telling me that it can't find sfml-graphics-d.dll.

Am I missing something? I thought to build static lib versions of apps under SFML 2, I just had to have SFML_STATIC defined.

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