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Topics - Charlie

Pages: [1]
DotNet / not so smooth transition to C# (sharp noob lol)
« on: May 29, 2012, 08:08:37 am »
I was messing around with the dot net library and GAAHH I dunno why I'm having such a hard time with it, but I can't even figure out how to do keypressed to make a sprite move..
Someone tell me and make me feel stupid now lol.
So far I'm way more confused with C# than with C++! lol

General / Need help passing sprite object as parameter in function
« on: June 15, 2011, 11:17:15 pm »
I'm not the best with C++ and was wondering how I can pass a sprite object as a parameter in a function.. I have an example below.
Note the example serves no purpose, I'm just wondering how this is executed correctly..

This is the function:
Code: [Select]

void SetX(sf::Sprite object)

This is the call to the function:
Code: [Select]


Graphics / Drawing Tile Map: 1 Pixel Between Tiles
« on: June 15, 2011, 04:38:40 am »
In other languages I have used, this is the code I use to draw a tile map.
When I use the code below it causes a "grid" to be drawn because there is a one pixel boundary between each image. Why is it doing this?

Code: [Select]

//Draw Grass Tiles
for (int y=0;y<SCREEN_HEIGHT / TILE_SIZE;y++)
for (int x=0;x<SCREEN_WIDTH / TILE_SIZE;x++)
Sprite.SetPosition(x * TILE_SIZE, y * TILE_SIZE);

DotNet / A couple 2.0 dotnet questions
« on: June 13, 2011, 09:54:37 pm »
After I compiled sfml 2.0 in my bindings/dotnet folder  in the lib folder there is only an x64 folder with dlls, while the extlibs folder has both x86 and x64 ..
I don't have an issue with using x64 as my pc is 64 bit.
But will this run on a 32 bit pc if I make something with it?
Should there be an x86 in the lib folder?

My next question is ..  are there dlls for network and system for dotnet?
If so I don't see them.

Just started messing with SFML...
I could not stand XNA due to the structure of the coding..
SFML seems awesome. just have some questions im not sure about so far :P


EDIT: nevermind the system and network question..i realize they arent needed in c#

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