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Topics - LB

Pages: [1]
General / Installing ruby-opengl on Windows and Ruby 1.9.
« on: December 01, 2011, 05:46:20 pm »
First: Follow this tutorial: https://groups.google.com/d/msg/rubyinstaller/vMR5mQVA_88/aZqLyjyQiSYJ (by Tomasz Błajek).

You will get an error with last step (building the gem). At this point you should have this directory tree:

Code: [Select]
(folder) doc
(folder) examples
(folder) ext
(folder) lib
(folder) test
 (file)  metadata
 (file)  Rakefile

Open "metadata" and add after line 13:

Code: [Select]
licenses: []

Then run:

Code: [Select]
gem build metadata

After you will have to download and install Glut to the devkit. Download it here: http://user.xmission.com/~nate/glut.html (the bin option).

Unpack and move 'glut.h' to "<devkit path>\mingw\include\GL", 'glut32.lib' to "<devkit path>\mingw\lib" and 'glut32.dll' to "C:\Windows\System32".

Now run:

Code: [Select]
gem install ruby-opengl-0.60.1.gem

You shouldn't get any errors.

(I'm now testing it with rbSFML.)

SFML projects / HQx Magnification Filter
« on: August 12, 2011, 01:16:02 am »
This is a extension to apply the HQ2x/HQ3x/HQ4x algorithm with SFML images. The interface is pretty simple, with this methods:

Code: [Select]
namespace sfe {
  using namespace sf;
  // Initializes the HQx algorithm. Takes about one second and 64MB of RAM.
  // This is called automatically by the methods below, if necessary.
  inline void InitHQx();
  // Receives a sf::Image and returns a 2-times bigger sf::Image, using the
  // HQ2x magnification algorithm.
  Image HQ2x(const Image& input);
  // Receives a sf::Image and returns a 3-times bigger sf::Image, using the
  // HQ3x magnification algorithm.
  Image HQ3x(const Image& input);
  // Receives a sf::Image and returns a 4-times bigger sf::Image, using the
  // HQ4x magnification algorithm.
  Image HQ4x(const Image& input);

Here's a code sample:

Code: [Select]
#include <SFML/Graphics.hpp>
#include <SFE/HQx.cpp>

int main() {
  sf::Image img, hq2x, hq3x, hq4x;
  sfe::InitHQx(); // Unnecessary
  hq2x = sfe::HQ2x(img);
  hq3x = sfe::HQ3x(img);
  hq4x = sfe::HQ4x(img);
  return 0;

Samples: (HQ3x)



This is my first open-source code. I got the HQx code from here, and I did some modifications in it to make it working with 32-bit colors. Also, don't try to use it with images that has some pixel with alpha channel other than 255.

Download link: Click Here

Graphics / Drawing TextBox.
« on: July 02, 2011, 03:07:04 am »
I'm trying to draw a textbox with SFML (2.0). It, basicly a box drawed as background, a sf::Text with the contents and a sf::Sprite with the cursor. My problem is to limit the drawed text to the box, to don't show any text outside the textbox. I tryed to do it with sf::View but I failed. I'm also thinking on blit (pixel by pixel) each glyph in an sf::Image and draw it. It probably works, but is not a fast way. What is the best way to do it?

Also, a possible interesting function to be added is a Drawable::SetClipRect(IntRect), to draw just a part of the object. It can be useful for tiled images or for cases like mine.

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