General / Installing ruby-opengl on Windows and Ruby 1.9.
« on: December 01, 2011, 05:46:20 pm »
First: Follow this tutorial: https://groups.google.com/d/msg/rubyinstaller/vMR5mQVA_88/aZqLyjyQiSYJ (by Tomasz Błajek).
You will get an error with last step (building the gem). At this point you should have this directory tree:
Open "metadata" and add after line 13:
Then run:
After you will have to download and install Glut to the devkit. Download it here: http://user.xmission.com/~nate/glut.html (the bin option).
Unpack and move 'glut.h' to "<devkit path>\mingw\include\GL", 'glut32.lib' to "<devkit path>\mingw\lib" and 'glut32.dll' to "C:\Windows\System32".
Now run:
You shouldn't get any errors.
(I'm now testing it with rbSFML.)
You will get an error with last step (building the gem). At this point you should have this directory tree:
Code: [Select]
(folder) doc
(folder) examples
(folder) ext
(folder) lib
(folder) test
(file) metadata
(file) Rakefile
Open "metadata" and add after line 13:
Code: [Select]
licenses: []
Then run:
Code: [Select]
gem build metadata
After you will have to download and install Glut to the devkit. Download it here: http://user.xmission.com/~nate/glut.html (the bin option).
Unpack and move 'glut.h' to "<devkit path>\mingw\include\GL", 'glut32.lib' to "<devkit path>\mingw\lib" and 'glut32.dll' to "C:\Windows\System32".
Now run:
Code: [Select]
gem install ruby-opengl-0.60.1.gem
You shouldn't get any errors.
(I'm now testing it with rbSFML.)