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Topics - s_p_oneil

Pages: [1]
Graphics / Some minor issues with sfColor/sfImage
« on: August 20, 2007, 03:35:35 am »
1) sfColor::ToRGBA returns 0xFFFF0000, which is backwards. Whenever I've specified RGB values in hex, I've always used FF0000 for red, never 0000FF.

Copied-n-pasted straight from this forum's help:
Font color: text[\/color]  Tip: you can also use color=#FF0000

2) When I call sfImage::CreateMaskFromColor(), I'd like to pass it 0 for black (getting it to use the UINT constructor above). However, it fails unless I set the alpha channel to 255. Since I'm trying to create an alpha mask, I would think it should ignore the source alpha.

3) Just a thought. It might be nice if sfImage::CreateMaskFromColor() took an optional parameter for target alpha (defaulted to 0) to allow simple translucency.

Audio / I need a way to manually destroy the audio device
« on: August 19, 2007, 02:45:05 am »
Right now you're using a static variable inside the static GetInstance() method to control creation/destruction of the sfAudioDevice. When SFML is used in a dynamically-loaded DLL, it will crash every time the DLL is unloaded because that object doesn't get destroyed until AFTER the DLL is unloaded.


EDIT: I meant to say AFTER the OpenAL DLL is unloaded.

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