Seems sometimes it'll detect the collisions and sometimes it won't for some odd reason. I've been taring apart an XNA Quadtree example and converting it to SFML and so far it is working but the issue seems to be SFML related I think but not sure.
Yes I'm working in C# but this is more of a general issue from what I can tell.
class TreeAbleSFMLSprite : RectangleShape, IQuadStorable
private Vector2f vel;
private Color collisioncolor, normalcolor;
public TreeAbleSFMLSprite(Vector2f pos, Vector2f vecd, Color collide, Color normal)
: base()
this.Position = pos;
Velocity = vecd;
collisioncolor = collide;
normalcolor = normal;
this.FillColor = normalcolor;
public TreeAbleSFMLSprite(Vector2f pos, Vector2f vecd, Color collide, Color normal, Vector2f size)
: base(size)
this.Position = pos;
Velocity = vecd;
collisioncolor = collide;
normalcolor = normal;
this.FillColor = normalcolor;
public TreeAbleSFMLSprite(TreeAbleSFMLSprite copy)
: base(copy)
Velocity = copy.Velocity;
collisioncolor = copy.collisioncolor;
normalcolor = copy.normalcolor;
public Vector2f Velocity { get { return vel; } set { vel = value; } }
public void UpdateSprite()
public Boolean HasCollided(TreeAbleSFMLSprite otherrect)
return this.GetGlobalBounds().Intersects(otherrect.GetGlobalBounds());/* ||
(this.ThisContains(otherrect) || otherrect.ThisContains(this))*/
public Boolean ThisContains(TreeAbleSFMLSprite otherrect)
return this.GetGlobalBounds().Contains(otherrect.GetGlobalBounds().Left, otherrect.GetGlobalBounds().Top) ||
this.GetGlobalBounds().Contains(otherrect.GetGlobalBounds().Left + otherrect.GetGlobalBounds().Width, otherrect.GetGlobalBounds().Top) ||
this.GetGlobalBounds().Contains(otherrect.GetGlobalBounds().Left, otherrect.GetGlobalBounds().Top + otherrect.GetGlobalBounds().Height) ||
this.GetGlobalBounds().Contains(otherrect.GetGlobalBounds().Left + otherrect.GetGlobalBounds().Width, otherrect.GetGlobalBounds().Top + otherrect.GetGlobalBounds().Height);
public void ColoredCollisions(TreeAbleSFMLSprite otherrect)
if (this.HasCollided(otherrect))
this.FillColor = collisioncolor;
this.FillColor = normalcolor;
public void Move(Vector2f vec)
if (vec.X != 0 && vec.Y != 0)
this.Position += vec;
HasMoved = true;
HasMoved = false;
public FloatRect Rect
return this.GetGlobalBounds();
public bool HasMoved
private set;
class SFMLXNAQuadRunner
{ private QuadTree
> quadtree
; private List
> spritelist
; private RenderWindow window
; private VideoMode vid
; private Random rand
= new Random
(); private Text text, text2
; System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch gametimer
= new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch(); long timestarted
= 0; float currentfps
= 0, framecount
= 0, wantedfps
= 60; int maxdepth
; public SFMLXNAQuadRunner
() { vid
= new VideoMode
600); window
= new RenderWindow
"Quad Testing"); quadtree
= new QuadTree
.Height); spritelist
= new List
>(); window
.Closed += new EventHandler
); text
= new Text
new Font
20); text2
= new Text
new Font
20); text2
.Position = new Vector2f
.Position.X, text2
.Position.Y + 20); } public void GenerateSprites
(int amount
) { for (int i
= 0; i
< amount
; i
++) { float x
= rand
5), y
= rand
5); if(x
== 0.0 || (x
< 1 && x
> -1)) { x
= 1; } if (y
== 0.0 || (y
< 1 && y
> -1)) { y
= -1; } TreeAbleSFMLSprite tasfmls
= new TreeAbleSFMLSprite
(new Vector2f
.Width - 100), rand
.Height - 100)),
new Vector2f
(x, y
.Red, Color
new Vector2f
20), rand
20))); //TreeAbleSFMLSprite tasfmls = new TreeAbleSFMLSprite(new Vector2f(vid.Width / 2, vid.Height / 2), new Vector2f(), Color.Red, Color.Green, new Vector2f(10, 10)); spritelist
); quadtree
); } } public void UpdateLoop
() { if (spritelist
!= null && spritelist
.Count() > 0) { foreach (TreeAbleSFMLSprite item
in spritelist
) { item
.UpdateSprite(); if (item
.GetGlobalBounds().Top < 0 || item
.GetGlobalBounds().Top + item
.GetGlobalBounds().Height > (int)vid
.Height) { item
.Velocity = new Vector2f
.Velocity.X, item
.Velocity.Y * -1); } if (item
.GetGlobalBounds().Left < 0 || item
.GetGlobalBounds().Left + item
.GetGlobalBounds().Width > (int)vid
.Width) { item
.Velocity = new Vector2f
.Velocity.X * -1, item
.Velocity.Y); } quadtree
); } } text
.DisplayedString = "Quad Count: " + quadtree
.Count() + " Sprite Count: " + spritelist
.Count(); text2
.DisplayedString = "FPS: " + currentfps
+ " Max Depth: " + maxdepth
; //quadtree. } public void RenderLoop
(ref RenderWindow win
) { if (spritelist
!= null && spritelist
.Count() > 0) { foreach (TreeAbleSFMLSprite item
in spritelist
) { win
); } } //RecursiveDrawQuad(ref window, quadtree, 0); win
); win
); } public void MainThreadLoop
() { GenerateSprites
10000)); window
.SetFramerateLimit(60); gametimer
.Start(); while(window
.IsOpen()) { window
.DispatchEvents(); framecount
++; if (gametimer
.ElapsedMilliseconds > timestarted
+ 1000) { timestarted
= gametimer
.ElapsedMilliseconds; currentfps
= framecount
; framecount
= 0; } //Console.WriteLine(currentfps); UpdateLoop
(); RecursiveCollisionQuadCheck
0); //LoopTLoopCollision(); window
.Clear(); //RecursiveCollisionQuadCheck(quadtree, 0); RenderLoop
(ref window
); //RecursiveCollisionQuadCheck(quadtree, 0); window
.Display(); } } void OnClosed
(object sender, EventArgs e
) { window
.Close(); } private void RecursiveDrawQuad
(ref RenderWindow win, QuadTree
> tree,
int depth
) { if(tree
!= null) { RecursiveDrawQuad
(ref win, tree
.RootQuad, depth
); } } private void RecursiveDrawQuad
(ref RenderWindow win, QuadTreeNode
> node,
int depth
) { if(node
!= null) { RectangleShape rect
= new RectangleShape
(new Vector2f
.QuadRect.Height)); rect
.Position = new Vector2f
.QuadRect.Left, node
.QuadRect.Top); rect
.FillColor = new Color
0); rect
.OutlineColor = new Color
255); rect
.OutlineThickness = 1; win
); RecursiveDrawQuad
(ref win, node
.TopLeftChild, depth
+1); RecursiveDrawQuad
(ref win, node
.TopRightChild, depth
+1); RecursiveDrawQuad
(ref win, node
.BottomLeftChild, depth
+1); RecursiveDrawQuad
(ref win, node
.BottomRightChild, depth
+1); } } private void LoopTLoopCollision
() { foreach (var item
in spritelist
) { if (item
!= null) { foreach (var item2
in spritelist
) { if ((item2
!= null) && (!item
))) { item
); item2
); } } } } } private void RecursiveCollisionQuadCheck
> tree,
int depth
) { maxdepth
= 0; if (tree
!= null) { RecursiveCollisionQuadCheck
.RootQuad, depth
); } } private void RecursiveCollisionQuadCheck
> node,
int depth
) { if (node
!= null) { if (node
.TopLeftChild == null && node
.TopRightChild == null && node
.BottomLeftChild == null && node
.BottomRightChild == null) { if (node
.Objects != null) { foreach (var item
in node
.Objects) { if (item
!= null && item
.Data != null) { foreach (var item2
in node
.Objects) { if ((item2
!= null && item
.Data != null) && (!item
) && !item
.Data))) { item
.Data); item2
.Data); } } } } } //node.Objects } maxdepth
= Math
.Max(maxdepth, depth
); RecursiveCollisionQuadCheck
.TopLeftChild, depth
+ 1); RecursiveCollisionQuadCheck
.TopRightChild, depth
+ 1); RecursiveCollisionQuadCheck
.BottomLeftChild, depth
+ 1); RecursiveCollisionQuadCheck
.BottomRightChild, depth
+ 1); } } } the two files above are mine.
Here's the quadtree I've been ripping apart.
Had to post it in an attachment because it was too big. >.>