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Topics - Oberon

Pages: [1]
General / Interest in Lua binding (also embeddable in C++ application)?
« on: February 21, 2015, 06:50:22 pm »

I have began to develop an SFML binding to the Lua scripting language. Since this was originally only intended as a test for my general Lua to C++ binding library apollo, it is in a very rough shape right now (e.g. the graphics module is incomplete, there are probably lots of bugs, …). Anyway, it's already enough to run a Lua version of SFML's Pong example.

An executable demo (Windows + MSVC12 + Lua 5.2 with pong example and all required DLLs) for you to play around with is available here: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/1802511/os/lsfml-demo-lua52-msvc12.zip.
Run lua.exe pong.lua from the command line in the demo directory to start the pong example.

The source code is here: https://github.com/Oberon00/lsfml/

While it might currently not work (demo/alpha stage), this binding could run on Lua 5.1 ‒ 5.3 and is generally cross-platform (for MSVC12 and any platform with a recent clang or gcc at least) with a little effort put into it.

Also, as I teased in the title, a special feature of this binding would be (lacks a triviality right now to be actually usable) that it is embeddable in a C++ host application that uses my apollo library. This means that using this binding, you could easily add scripting to your SFML-based game.

Since I do not actually have an use for this myself right now (beyond demonstrating the abilities of apollo), I'm asking here if there is interest in this binding. If so, I may continue development.

SFML website / Spam user?
« on: April 11, 2012, 05:19:54 pm »
Sorting members by post count shows an user called frankscott39 on top, who has a whopping 134217.720 posts per day (!) and a signature which looks like spam.
However, when clicking show posts no single post shows up. I suspect, that the posts are blocked by some spam filter but counted neverthless.

Feature requests / Make properties of Window readable
« on: February 26, 2012, 01:02:39 pm »
The Window class has (too) many write-only properties, i.e. setters without corresponding getters (I found 10, to be exact):
  • SetPosition (pull request #168, issue #15)
  • EnableVerticalSync (SetVerticalSyncEnabled)
  • SetFrameRateLimit
  • SetJoystickThreshold
  • video mode (bits per pixel) and style (Create and constructor)
  • SetTitle
  • Show(bool): Could also be named SetVisible
  • EnableKeyRepeat (SetKeyRepeatEnabled)
  • SetIcon
  • ShowMouseCursor
  • (SetSize has GetWidth and GetHeight, but could be more consistent (would also affect RenderTarget, RenderWindow))

Many of them could be useful e.g. for displaying an options-dialog, without having to save e.g. the joystick threshold in another variable.
In addition, I suspect this to be the reason for the usage SetXx methods  instead of properties in SMFL.net, am I right?

Imho, this is all not high priority but should be considered for 2.x.

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