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Topics - StevenC

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I just wanted to let everyone know that I've made significant progress toward creating an environment that will allow developers who want the ability to write desktop games using JavaScript as the primary development language.

JSGameClient is a no-frills JavaScript environment that combines Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine with Physics FS, SFML and Texus' TGUI. The project is part of a series of open source projects I am working on to create a fully modable and open source game development system with all major components licensed under a permissive license that makes it usable by closed and open source developers alike.

Developers that wish to contribute are invited to do so provided that they license their work under a compatible license. Message me if you are interested. I am committed to maintaining this project for the next few years eventually expecting to reach version 1.0 and have a reference engine that can be used to speed up development.


Current Needs:

1. Testing and improvement to support building on Mac.
2. Code to prevent privileged execution of the JSGameClient - given the JSGameClient is intended for writing games there is no good reason to allow it to run as elevated administrator or root.


Website: http://github.com/StevenChristy/JSGameClient
Documentation available through the readme.md and the docs/index.html



Version 0.3.2 - Added support for setTimeout, clearTimeout, setInterval, clearInterval, and sleep methods. Added additional documentation including some steps for building under Linux.

Version 0.3.1 - The build system was improved and building on Linux has been tested and works well.

Version 0.3.0 - This is a work in progress and is not ready for production use. SFML and Physics FS (readonly) and a few essential commands.

The latest version fixes numerous bugs and supports building for VS 2010 and MinGW 32-bit.


Development: To debug JavaScript applications it is recommended that one use Eclipse. By linking in the JS files in the jsdocs subfolder one can have context sensitive help while writing JavaScript code under Eclipse. Use the Chrome Developer Tools to try and debug the app as a Standalone V8 application. Uncaught exceptions will generate a full call-stack and the risk of crashing should be minimal. In the event that the application does crash I recommend debugging under Visual Studio 2010 to find the source or you could submit a sample that reproduces the issue and I will chase it down.


SFML projects / SFML2 V8 JavaScript Binding
« on: May 28, 2012, 12:27:09 am »

I am new to SFML and am going to be using the library in a project powered by the V8 JavaScript engine. I wanted to share with the community my V8 Binding for SFML 2.0.

If you identify any major issues with the binding please let me know. You can post your issues to this thread and I will attempt to address them if they are within the scope of the project. I will release new versions as needed to address the issues reported.

Before using the binding in a project you may want to consider looking at the ISSUES.TXT file. If that doesn't scare you off then go for it. So far though, everything appears stable. The binding works on Linux and Windows.

---- Update ----

I have updated the binding to version 0.5. Version 0.5 adds some important features such as the ability to copy and delete objects. Also, the JavaScript instanceof operator now works with the classes so one can distinguish between an sf.Image and an sf.Texture without testing for specific methods.

v0.5.1. The binding project now includes a sf_v8.js file. This JavaScript file contains definitions for context sensitive help for Eclipse. You will need to "link the file" to your Eclipse JavaScript project and then Eclipse will give you tool tips when using SFML JavaScript objects. This should make it 1000 times easier to write SFML code in JavaScript. Note: Full descriptions of methods and variables are still only available using the C++ documentation.

Updated to version 0.6.0 - The binding is now in the beta stage. It is stable and supports type-checking for classes to prevent crashes. I've tested it quite a bit internally and feel it is probably good enough for production use. It does need more testing though before I am ready to say that it is finished.

The binding is available for download on GitHub:


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