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Topics - Flash619

Pages: [1] 2
Window / Debug Win32 std::length_error (Debug Error Only) [Solved]
« on: July 06, 2013, 07:22:25 pm »
      Hello! :D

      I was toying around today with the opengl sfml window and noticed if  I tried to create the object in Debug, I receive the following message.

std::length_error at memory location

        I thought maybe it was just a incompatibility so I rebuilt the sfml Debug library with CMAKE and Visual Studio 11, and found myself still having the same issue. On a whim I switched to Release mode, and it works fine.

        Any Ideas? I tried several different methods of initializing the window, including just using a basic "non opengl window". At the moment the exact code is:

sf::Window glWindow(sf::VideoMode(800, 600), "Stuffs", sf::Style::Default, sf::ContextSettings(32));

         I can work in Release for now, but I was hoping to get some ideas as to why debug is failing.

         Thanks a bunch!

Graphics / Font .loadFromFile throwing a access violation. [SOLVED]
« on: November 18, 2012, 05:16:31 pm »
I have a bit of an issue where when I try to load a font, in this case, "arial.ttf" in my application, it throws a nice exception:
Unhandled exception at 0x519E1FF9 (sfml-graphics-2.dll) in Genesis.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation writing location 0x00000000.

The code that causes it:
You may notice it's not in a if statement, but it throws an exception either way.

The only time it does not throw an exception, is if it cannot find the font. ^^;; Then it just says it couldn't find the font/build the font face.

I should also point out that the font, is, in the same directory as the .exe when it runs. ;)

Any ideas?

General / std::cout showing random bits and pieces of other strings?
« on: November 18, 2012, 01:52:36 am »
So I was just messing around to day as I usually do, when my console started looking a bit... strange.

For some reason my cout in this code:

Shortened it up, Frex's answer worked.

I have attached a example of what the error looks like below. You can see what I mean hopefully. The strings that its showing at random are in my main class, and they are never even called, so thats why I'm thinking it may be memory related.

I really look forward to some guidance on this issue. ....I'm lost.


Also, it will print "Printing the DevHud Data" Every time it goes through the loop. That was intentionally done so I could keep track and see how much was being printed out per loop.


Also those strings its showing are declared here:

void Genesis::ValidateFlags()
        if((Genesis::WindowX > 0 && Genesis::WindowY <= 0) || (Genesis::WindowY > 0 && Genesis::WindowX <= 0)) //Checks to make sure both X and Y are correct.
                ConsoleLog.error("\"-X\" and \"-Y\" must be used at the same time, have a value greater than 0, and be proper integers!");
                ConsoleLog.error("\"-X\" and \"-Y\" will be ignored.");
                        ConsoleLog.error("\"-WM\" Was dected but due to argument errors will be disabled.");
                        Windowed = false;
        if((Genesis::WindowX>0)&&(Genesis::WindowY>0)&&(Genesis::Windowed==false)) //Makes sure that windowed mode is enabled when X and Y are correct.
                ConsoleLog.error("\"-X\" and \"-Y\" were declared but windowed mode was never set! Did you forget a \"-WM\" ?");
                ConsoleLog.error("\"-X\" and \"-Y\" will be ignored.");
        if((Genesis::WindowX<=0)&&(Genesis::WindowY<=0)&&(Genesis::Windowed==true)) //Make sure that -WM is not missing a X/Y variable!
                ConsoleLog.error("Windowed mode was declared but X and Y are invalid or missing!");
                ConsoleLog.error("-WM will be ignored.");
But it can pretty much show anything I think, but it usually shows that stuff.

[attachment deleted by admin]

General / Storing a list of resolutions as an array?
« on: November 14, 2012, 11:42:32 pm »
Hey everyone. :)

I in my program am needing to have a reference list of resolutions. *actually several lists for wide screen/full screen* But I'm trying to find the best method of storing such a list and was hoping that I could find some help on this subject. I thought maybe if I made a sf::Vector2u array and then stored the values within it. But am unsure on how proper that would be.

So its not really a question regarding broken code as much as it is me just asking for general input on the subject of storing a list of resolutions. It would also be nice if I had the ability to get a resolution by a number "like an array", say for instance. MyResolutionList[5].x

As Always, I'm looking forward to your input. :)

General / VS 11, and variadic templates with std::thread
« on: November 06, 2012, 02:50:24 am »
This is not related to SFML, but I don't belong to any other coding community so I thought I would ask here. ^_^

I am trying to start up a thread with "std::thread" like:

std::thread RunningLoadingScreen(RunLoadingScreen,CurrLoadScreen,glWindow);

The function looks like:

void LoadingScreens::RunLoadingScreen(LoadingScreen LS,EngineWindow& glWindow)
                sf::Sprite LSS;
                        sfe::Movie LSM;

But my compiler always spits the error:

std::thread::thread No overloaded function takes three arguments.

I looked it up and apparentlyVS 11 does not support Variadic Templates. So I wanted to ask if there is any way around this? I found some people mentioning the use of adding "#define" to define stuff for the preproccesor but I was unable to make out exactly what it was they were talking about, or how to do it.

So any help is as always, 100% appreciated. If you need any info just ask! :) I look forward to a great discussion.  ;D

General / References returning null values?
« on: November 02, 2012, 05:20:58 pm »
Ok I'll admit, this is my mess up.  I even know whats wrong, I just don't know how to fix it. ^^;

So I have a little class *actually two classes* that I made to handle sprite/texture stuff to lower down the amount of re used code in other classes. What they do is very easy to figure out. If you want a sprite, you use get sprite, send it the path, it uses texture to retrieve the texture and such. But I'm trying to 1, figure out why its not working, and 2, trying to make a decision as to how to return the variables.

Option a, would be to use references *what I'm trying currently* but then that makes me wonder if it would conflict with other instances of the same class. *if two things tried to get a sprite at once*

Option b, Or if it would be better to just make a new copy of the variable every time. *would use more memory and such*.

As for the code here it is:
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "SpriteUtilities.h"
sf::Sprite& Sprite::getSprite(std::string path)
        Texture texture;
        sf::Sprite s;

        return s;
sf::Texture& Texture::getTexture(std::string path)
        sf::Texture t;
        log.info("Attempting to load texture at: " + path);
                log.error("Unable to load texture from path: " + path);
                log.error("Texture errors detected, graphic failure may occur!");
                return t;
        return t;

The problem is that since the variable is declared in a outside class/function, the moment it returns the reference the memory allocation is cleared and it returns a blank sprite. I just don't really remember how to fix it. >.>'

So any help, and recommendations as to which way would be best to go, is greatly appreciated! :) I did indeed try pointers but they didn't just say error, they screamed it, all over my build log.  ::) So I decided to try references. ^^;;

Huge thanks in advance and as always, if you wish to know more just ask! :)

General / Accepting User Input, and Gui/library recommendations?
« on: November 01, 2012, 03:46:42 pm »
       So I have come to the point in my engine, where I will need the user to input a string into a little box in the window. It seems I have two choices for this, either 1, I can try to create my own mini window and take a crash course on the win32 library functions to try to figure out how to implement and read from a basic text box. Or I can try to find some sort of Library such as Qt or WxWidgets, and use some of their build in functions for it.

         Now having never done any three of the above options, I really was hoping to get some personal input on the subject, as to what you would recommend and possibly why. I do think making my own system for message box's and input would give much more custom control, but at the same time, it seems like a big chance for me to create a lot of inefficient/possibly unstable code because I have never used text box's before, ever. ^^;; The only popup experience I have is a win32 message box that accepts yes or no. >.>

        So yes I would love to hear your input. Like I said if possible I would like to have the box within the window itself, and not another separate popup window. It would basically have two buttons and a text box. Let me know what you think, and huge thanks in advance! :)

Window / Static Window? "static sf::Window renderWindow;"
« on: October 27, 2012, 05:58:11 pm »

     I was wondering if it is possible to declare the sf::Window as a static variable for easier access from other functions? I tried it but I get a nice exception...

First-chance exception at 0x776AF592 (ntdll.dll) in Genesis.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation writing location 0x00000004.

         So.. Does this mean that, that is not possible then? Or does it just mean that I dun goofed and broke something?

If you wish to see my code:
#include "stdafx.h"
class WindowManager{

        static sf::Window renderWindow;

        sf::Window& LaunchRenderWindow();
        sf::Window& SetResolution(short int x,short int y);
        sf::Window& SetFullscreen(bool a);
        sf::Window& GetRenderWindow();
        static void SetVerticalSync(bool a);
        static void ShowCourser(bool a);
        static void SetFramerateLimit(short int a);

        void GetDesktopResolution(short int&X,short int&Y);


#include "stdafx.h"
#include "WindowManagment.h"
#include "Genesis.h"

sf::Window WindowManager::renderWindow;
Launches the render window.

sf::Window& WindowManager::LaunchRenderWindow()
                short int X;
                short int Y;
        return renderWindow;
Detects desktop resolution and adjusts the X and Y variables accordingly.

void WindowManager::GetDesktopResolution(short int&X,short int&Y)
        RECT desktop;
        const HWND hDesktop = GetDesktopWindow();
        GetWindowRect(hDesktop, &desktop);
    X = desktop.right;
    Y = desktop.bottom;
Recieves a true or false and enables/disables vertical sync accordingly.

void WindowManager::SetVerticalSync(bool a)
Recieves a true or false and enables/disables showing the mouse curser.

void WindowManager::ShowCourser(bool a)
Recieves a short int and sets the framerate limit to it. Must be between 15 - 60,

void WindowManager::SetFramerateLimit(short int a)



kk Thanks a bunch! :D

General / Not a valid Win32 Application
« on: October 26, 2012, 06:15:46 pm »
Ok, so I know this has NOTHING to do with SFML. But for some reason, if I compile my application in Visual Studio, then copy it onto a Windows XP 32 bit virtual machine. I get this error

"(path to program) Is not a valid Win32 Application..."

I checked my build config under Build -> Configuration Manager and it's set to build using "Win32"

So I'm a bit confused as to why this is happening. :/ I was hoping someone else may have a idea or two to just throw at me. If it's doing this on XP my guess would be, that it would happen on a lot of other versions of windows as well.

Any ideas? Big thanks in advance!

General / SFML 2.0 and MSVCR100D.dll/Windows 8
« on: October 25, 2012, 11:16:07 pm »
I'm only using the SFML\Window.hpp right now and my code is:

sf::Window window(sf::VideoMode(800, 600), "My window");
Directly from the tutorial. For some reason tho, It cannot find that DLL.

For other info I am using Visual Studio 2012, with Windows 8 Pro.

I am using a SFML that was build for VS 2010 but I'm not sure if that makes a difference because the compile log is completely clean of errors. Just the same, here is the console output:

'Genesis.exe': Loaded 'C:\Users\Travis\Documents\Visual Studio 2012\Projects\Genesis\Debug\Genesis.exe', Symbols loaded.
'Genesis.exe': Loaded 'C:\Windows\SysWOW64\ntdll.dll', Cannot find or open the PDB file.
'Genesis.exe': Loaded 'C:\Windows\SysWOW64\mscoree.dll', Cannot find or open the PDB file.
'Genesis.exe': Loaded 'C:\Windows\SysWOW64\kernel32.dll', Cannot find or open the PDB file.
'Genesis.exe': Loaded 'C:\Windows\SysWOW64\KernelBase.dll', Cannot find or open the PDB file.
'Genesis.exe': Loaded 'C:\Windows\SysWOW64\msvcp110d.dll', Symbols loaded.
'Genesis.exe': Loaded 'C:\Windows\SysWOW64\msvcr110d.dll', Symbols loaded.
'Genesis.exe': Loaded 'C:\Windows\SysWOW64\guard32.dll', Cannot find or open the PDB file.
'Genesis.exe': Loaded 'C:\Windows\SysWOW64\user32.dll', Cannot find or open the PDB file.
'Genesis.exe': Loaded 'C:\Windows\SysWOW64\gdi32.dll', Cannot find or open the PDB file.
'Genesis.exe': Loaded 'C:\Windows\SysWOW64\advapi32.dll', Cannot find or open the PDB file.
'Genesis.exe': Loaded 'C:\Windows\SysWOW64\version.dll', Cannot find or open the PDB file.
'Genesis.exe': Loaded 'C:\Windows\SysWOW64\msvcrt.dll', Cannot find or open the PDB file.
'Genesis.exe': Loaded 'C:\Windows\SysWOW64\sechost.dll', Cannot find or open the PDB file.
'Genesis.exe': Loaded 'C:\Windows\SysWOW64\rpcrt4.dll', Cannot find or open the PDB file.
'Genesis.exe': Loaded 'C:\Windows\SysWOW64\sspicli.dll', Cannot find or open the PDB file.
'Genesis.exe': Loaded 'C:\Windows\SysWOW64\cryptbase.dll', Cannot find or open the PDB file.
'Genesis.exe': Loaded 'C:\Windows\SysWOW64\bcryptprimitives.dll', Cannot find or open the PDB file.
'Genesis.exe': Loaded 'C:\Windows\SysWOW64\imm32.dll', Cannot find or open the PDB file.
'Genesis.exe': Loaded 'C:\Windows\SysWOW64\msctf.dll', Cannot find or open the PDB file.
'Genesis.exe': Loaded 'C:\Program Files (x86)\NVIDIA Corporation\3D Vision\nvStInit.dll', Cannot find or open the PDB file.
'Genesis.exe': Loaded 'C:\Windows\SysWOW64\psapi.dll', Cannot find or open the PDB file.
'Genesis.exe': Loaded 'C:\Windows\WinSxS\x86_microsoft.vc90.crt_1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b_9.0.30729.6871_none_50944e7cbcb706e5\msvcr90.dll', Cannot find or open the PDB file.
'Genesis.exe': Loaded 'C:\Windows\SysWOW64\fltLib.dll', Cannot find or open the PDB file.
The program '[6948] Genesis.exe: Native' has exited with code -1073741515 (0xc0000135) 'A dependent dll was not found'.

I look forward to hearing from you all! :D Let me know if you require any other info. :)

Hello all! :D

When my program launches, it detects the screen resolution, and full screens to that resolution. The only problem I have with this is the following:

1, If I used big graphics "for making the game on a big resolution" and they have a small screen, the images will look huge "at least I think they will".

2, If I make my images for lets say, 1920 - 1080 and someone changes the resolution to a standard, like 800 - 600. Then the sprites width will be resized more than its height causing deformities in the images.

So I'm not really sure how to handle these senarios and am looking for guidence/ideas that may work to hopefully, make it that I won't have to create a new image set for the whole game, for every possible resolution. "Because at this point it seems like that may be required." -_-'' So I figured I should worry about this before incorperating a menu screen or the rest of the game.

Anyways, I look foreward to hearing from you!


I have a bit of an issue. I'm trying to make my objects and everything, but I always run into this error. No, not always. Just with these two files, MainMenu.cpp/hpp and SplashScreen.cpp/hpp.

I'll try the following code like:
MainMenu mainMenu;

Imediatly it says ther there is a missing ";" before the identifier mainMenu, when I hover over it, Visual Studio pop's up with "Error, Expected a ";""

I've looked at my files, and they look just fine, I'll show  MainMenu.cpp and .hpp

#include "stdafx.h"
#include "MainMenu.h"
void MainMenu::GetResult(sf::RenderWindow& renderWindow)
        //Not yet finished...... obviously.

#ifndef MAINMENU_H
#define MAINMENU_H
class MainMenu{
        void GetResult(sf::RenderWindow& renderWindow);
        enum MainMenuResult{Play,Quit,Load};

Now I know how this error can kinda roll down from any linked file, so I'll also show stdafx

// stdafx.h : include file for standard system include files,
// or project specific include files that are used frequently, but
// are changed infrequently

#ifndef STDAFX_H
#define STDAFX_H

#include "targetver.h"

#include <stdio.h>
#include <tchar.h>
#include <iostream>

// TODO: reference additional headers your program requires here
#include <SFML/Audio.hpp>
#include <SFML/Graphics.hpp>
#include <SFML/Window.hpp>
#include <SFML/System.hpp>


As I said, I can't find were its saying I'm missing an ";". To me the whole error really makes no sense. I mean, it works with BetweenScreens, and thats just a bunch of random public methods for loading screens. So, yea, I look foreward to hearing if anyone else ever had this issue.

Yes, I used google, but the problem seems to have a unlimited ammounts of fixes/causes so it wasn't much help.

Anyways, let me know what you think, and have a wonderful day! :D

EDIT, oh almost forgot the original position of the erroring code in the main file:

void Genesis::loadMainMenu(sf::RenderWindow& renderWindow)
        BetweenScreens betweenScreens; //Works Fine
        MainMenu mainMenu; //Error   ...and will still error if I got rid of the above code.


         Well I've had this every time I have tried to make a program, finally I felt like actually having debuging might be a useful tool. So the problem is this, when Visual Studio launches a program, either in debug or release, it will not find any of it's resources, and thusly, not work. However, I CAN go to the debug/release folder, run it manually, and it works perfectly. It just won't work when Visual Studio launches it.

           I decided to post this question here because this community has been a big help so far. ^_^ I don't believe it to be a specific issue with SFML. It looks more like some screwy setting in Visual Studio, but upon googling the issue, I found NOTHING of other people having this issue. I guess that means either 1, its a simple fix that everyone knows, or 2. I'm just that unlucky of a person. So I'm looking foreward to your input! :D

...woundering if I should try to find a microsoft forum to ask this same thing...

      So I've been trying to come up with a decent, yet simple way to do this, and I really can't think of anything. I've tried it many ways so far, all of which throw a non copyable error because the render window was copied and sent back to the requesting class/method.

       I just wanted to make it that a outside class could control the functions of creating/destroying/modifying/reloading the render window for instances of setting changes, like resolution changes, or switching from full screen to windowed.

        So far what I have, and yes I KNOW this won't work, and now looking at it, it seems kind of stupid given that it will throw an error the moment you even think of soing it this way. But I just wanted to ask for some input and or ideas on the subject, as for a practical way to do this.

in Main.cpp
        WindowEngine windowEngine;
        sf::RenderWindow mainWindow = windowEngine.LaunchEngineWindow();

int WindowEngine.cpp
sf::RenderWindow WindowEngine::LaunchEngineWindow(void)
        int Height = 0;
        int Width = 0;


        sf::RenderWindow mainWindow(sf::VideoMode(Width,Height,32),"Genesis",sf::Style::Fullscreen);


        return mainWindow;

Anyways. I look foreward to hearing from you, and your great ideas!

Have a wonderful day! :D

       So today, Since I wasn't that far in on my project on SFML 1.6, I decided to restart with 2.0 for the fun of it. I setup the libraries, includes, and all my settings as I had them on 1.6:

C++ > Aditional Included Directories > "C:\SFML-2.0-rc\include;%(AdditionalIncludeDirectories)"

C++ > Preproccesor > "WIN32;SFML_STATIC;_DEBUG;_CONSOLE;%(PreprocessorDefinitions)"

Linker > Aditional Library Directories > "C:\SFML-2.0-rc\lib;%(AdditionalLibraryDirectories)"

Linker > Input > "sfml-audio-s-d.lib;sfml-graphics-s-d.lib;sfml-network-s-d.lib;sfml-system-s-d.lib;sfml-window-s-d.lib;%(AdditionalDependencies)"

Upon compile, I get a wall of text full of a bunch of warnings, needless to say, the program spouts out debug errors the moment it starts.

The wall of text:
1>  Generating Code...
1>LINK : warning LNK4098: defaultlib 'LIBCMT' conflicts with use of other libs; use /NODEFAULTLIB:library
1>sfml-graphics-s-d.lib(Color.cpp.obj) : warning LNK4099: PDB 'sfml-graphics-s-d.pdb' was not found with 'sfml-graphics-s-d.lib(Color.cpp.obj)' or at 'C:\Users\Flash619\documents\visual studio 2010\Projects\Genesis\Debug\sfml-graphics-s-d.pdb'; linking object as if no debug info
1>sfml-graphics-s-d.lib(Font.cpp.obj) : warning LNK4099: PDB 'sfml-graphics-s-d.pdb' was not found with 'sfml-graphics-s-d.lib(Font.cpp.obj)' or at 'C:\Users\Flash619\documents\visual studio 2010\Projects\Genesis\Debug\sfml-graphics-s-d.pdb'; linking object as if no debug info
1>sfml-graphics-s-d.lib(GLCheck.cpp.obj) : warning LNK4099: PDB 'sfml-graphics-s-d.pdb' was not found with 'sfml-graphics-s-d.lib(GLCheck.cpp.obj)' or at 'C:\Users\Flash619\documents\visual studio 2010\Projects\Genesis\Debug\sfml-graphics-s-d.pdb'; linking object as if no debug info
1>sfml-graphics-s-d.lib(Image.cpp.obj) : warning LNK4099: PDB 'sfml-graphics-s-d.pdb' was not found with 'sfml-graphics-s-d.lib(Image.cpp.obj)' or at 'C:\Users\Flash619\documents\visual studio 2010\Projects\Genesis\Debug\sfml-graphics-s-d.pdb'; linking object as if no debug info
1>sfml-graphics-s-d.lib(ImageLoader.cpp.obj) : warning LNK4099: PDB 'sfml-graphics-s-d.pdb' was not found with 'sfml-graphics-s-d.lib(ImageLoader.cpp.obj)' or at 'C:\Users\Flash619\documents\visual studio 2010\Projects\Genesis\Debug\sfml-graphics-s-d.pdb'; linking object as if no debug info
1>sfml-graphics-s-d.lib(RenderStates.cpp.obj) : warning LNK4099: PDB 'sfml-graphics-s-d.pdb' was not found with 'sfml-graphics-s-d.lib(RenderStates.cpp.obj)' or at 'C:\Users\Flash619\documents\visual studio 2010\Projects\Genesis\Debug\sfml-graphics-s-d.pdb'; linking object as if no debug info
1>sfml-graphics-s-d.lib(RenderTarget.cpp.obj) : warning LNK4099: PDB 'sfml-graphics-s-d.pdb' was not found with 'sfml-graphics-s-d.lib(RenderTarget.cpp.obj)' or at 'C:\Users\Flash619\documents\visual studio 2010\Projects\Genesis\Debug\sfml-graphics-s-d.pdb'; linking object as if no debug info
1>sfml-graphics-s-d.lib(RenderWindow.cpp.obj) : warning LNK4099: PDB 'sfml-graphics-s-d.pdb' was not found with 'sfml-graphics-s-d.lib(RenderWindow.cpp.obj)' or at 'C:\Users\Flash619\documents\visual studio 2010\Projects\Genesis\Debug\sfml-graphics-s-d.pdb'; linking object as if no debug info
1>sfml-graphics-s-d.lib(Shader.cpp.obj) : warning LNK4099: PDB 'sfml-graphics-s-d.pdb' was not found with 'sfml-graphics-s-d.lib(Shader.cpp.obj)' or at 'C:\Users\Flash619\documents\visual studio 2010\Projects\Genesis\Debug\sfml-graphics-s-d.pdb'; linking object as if no debug info
1>sfml-graphics-s-d.lib(Text.cpp.obj) : warning LNK4099: PDB 'sfml-graphics-s-d.pdb' was not found with 'sfml-graphics-s-d.lib(Text.cpp.obj)' or at 'C:\Users\Flash619\documents\visual studio 2010\Projects\Genesis\Debug\sfml-graphics-s-d.pdb'; linking object as if no debug info
1>sfml-graphics-s-d.lib(Texture.cpp.obj) : warning LNK4099: PDB 'sfml-graphics-s-d.pdb' was not found with 'sfml-graphics-s-d.lib(Texture.cpp.obj)' or at 'C:\Users\Flash619\documents\visual studio 2010\Projects\Genesis\Debug\sfml-graphics-s-d.pdb'; linking object as if no debug info
1>sfml-graphics-s-d.lib(TextureSaver.cpp.obj) : warning LNK4099: PDB 'sfml-graphics-s-d.pdb' was not found with 'sfml-graphics-s-d.lib(TextureSaver.cpp.obj)' or at 'C:\Users\Flash619\documents\visual studio 2010\Projects\Genesis\Debug\sfml-graphics-s-d.pdb'; linking object as if no debug info
1>sfml-graphics-s-d.lib(Transform.cpp.obj) : warning LNK4099: PDB 'sfml-graphics-s-d.pdb' was not found with 'sfml-graphics-s-d.lib(Transform.cpp.obj)' or at 'C:\Users\Flash619\documents\visual studio 2010\Projects\Genesis\Debug\sfml-graphics-s-d.pdb'; linking object as if no debug info
1>sfml-graphics-s-d.lib(Transformable.cpp.obj) : warning LNK4099: PDB 'sfml-graphics-s-d.pdb' was not found with 'sfml-graphics-s-d.lib(Transformable.cpp.obj)' or at 'C:\Users\Flash619\documents\visual studio 2010\Projects\Genesis\Debug\sfml-graphics-s-d.pdb'; linking object as if no debug info
1>sfml-graphics-s-d.lib(View.cpp.obj) : warning LNK4099: PDB 'sfml-graphics-s-d.pdb' was not found with 'sfml-graphics-s-d.lib(View.cpp.obj)' or at 'C:\Users\Flash619\documents\visual studio 2010\Projects\Genesis\Debug\sfml-graphics-s-d.pdb'; linking object as if no debug info
1>sfml-graphics-s-d.lib(Vertex.cpp.obj) : warning LNK4099: PDB 'sfml-graphics-s-d.pdb' was not found with 'sfml-graphics-s-d.lib(Vertex.cpp.obj)' or at 'C:\Users\Flash619\documents\visual studio 2010\Projects\Genesis\Debug\sfml-graphics-s-d.pdb'; linking object as if no debug info
1>sfml-graphics-s-d.lib(VertexArray.cpp.obj) : warning LNK4099: PDB 'sfml-graphics-s-d.pdb' was not found with 'sfml-graphics-s-d.lib(VertexArray.cpp.obj)' or at 'C:\Users\Flash619\documents\visual studio 2010\Projects\Genesis\Debug\sfml-graphics-s-d.pdb'; linking object as if no debug info
1>sfml-system-s-d.lib(Clock.cpp.obj) : warning LNK4099: PDB 'sfml-system-s-d.pdb' was not found with 'sfml-system-s-d.lib(Clock.cpp.obj)' or at 'C:\Users\Flash619\documents\visual studio 2010\Projects\Genesis\Debug\sfml-system-s-d.pdb'; linking object as if no debug info
1>sfml-system-s-d.lib(Err.cpp.obj) : warning LNK4099: PDB 'sfml-system-s-d.pdb' was not found with 'sfml-system-s-d.lib(Err.cpp.obj)' or at 'C:\Users\Flash619\documents\visual studio 2010\Projects\Genesis\Debug\sfml-system-s-d.pdb'; linking object as if no debug info
1>sfml-system-s-d.lib(Lock.cpp.obj) : warning LNK4099: PDB 'sfml-system-s-d.pdb' was not found with 'sfml-system-s-d.lib(Lock.cpp.obj)' or at 'C:\Users\Flash619\documents\visual studio 2010\Projects\Genesis\Debug\sfml-system-s-d.pdb'; linking object as if no debug info
1>sfml-system-s-d.lib(Mutex.cpp.obj) : warning LNK4099: PDB 'sfml-system-s-d.pdb' was not found with 'sfml-system-s-d.lib(Mutex.cpp.obj)' or at 'C:\Users\Flash619\documents\visual studio 2010\Projects\Genesis\Debug\sfml-system-s-d.pdb'; linking object as if no debug info
1>sfml-system-s-d.lib(Sleep.cpp.obj) : warning LNK4099: PDB 'sfml-system-s-d.pdb' was not found with 'sfml-system-s-d.lib(Sleep.cpp.obj)' or at 'C:\Users\Flash619\documents\visual studio 2010\Projects\Genesis\Debug\sfml-system-s-d.pdb'; linking object as if no debug info
1>sfml-system-s-d.lib(String.cpp.obj) : warning LNK4099: PDB 'sfml-system-s-d.pdb' was not found with 'sfml-system-s-d.lib(String.cpp.obj)' or at 'C:\Users\Flash619\documents\visual studio 2010\Projects\Genesis\Debug\sfml-system-s-d.pdb'; linking object as if no debug info
1>sfml-system-s-d.lib(ThreadLocal.cpp.obj) : warning LNK4099: PDB 'sfml-system-s-d.pdb' was not found with 'sfml-system-s-d.lib(ThreadLocal.cpp.obj)' or at 'C:\Users\Flash619\documents\visual studio 2010\Projects\Genesis\Debug\sfml-system-s-d.pdb'; linking object as if no debug info
1>sfml-system-s-d.lib(Time.cpp.obj) : warning LNK4099: PDB 'sfml-system-s-d.pdb' was not found with 'sfml-system-s-d.lib(Time.cpp.obj)' or at 'C:\Users\Flash619\documents\visual studio 2010\Projects\Genesis\Debug\sfml-system-s-d.pdb'; linking object as if no debug info
1>sfml-system-s-d.lib(ClockImpl.cpp.obj) : warning LNK4099: PDB 'sfml-system-s-d.pdb' was not found with 'sfml-system-s-d.lib(ClockImpl.cpp.obj)' or at 'C:\Users\Flash619\documents\visual studio 2010\Projects\Genesis\Debug\sfml-system-s-d.pdb'; linking object as if no debug info
1>sfml-system-s-d.lib(MutexImpl.cpp.obj) : warning LNK4099: PDB 'sfml-system-s-d.pdb' was not found with 'sfml-system-s-d.lib(MutexImpl.cpp.obj)' or at 'C:\Users\Flash619\documents\visual studio 2010\Projects\Genesis\Debug\sfml-system-s-d.pdb'; linking object as if no debug info
1>sfml-system-s-d.lib(SleepImpl.cpp.obj) : warning LNK4099: PDB 'sfml-system-s-d.pdb' was not found with 'sfml-system-s-d.lib(SleepImpl.cpp.obj)' or at 'C:\Users\Flash619\documents\visual studio 2010\Projects\Genesis\Debug\sfml-system-s-d.pdb'; linking object as if no debug info
1>sfml-system-s-d.lib(ThreadLocalImpl.cpp.obj) : warning LNK4099: PDB 'sfml-system-s-d.pdb' was not found with 'sfml-system-s-d.lib(ThreadLocalImpl.cpp.obj)' or at 'C:\Users\Flash619\documents\visual studio 2010\Projects\Genesis\Debug\sfml-system-s-d.pdb'; linking object as if no debug info
1>sfml-window-s-d.lib(GlContext.cpp.obj) : warning LNK4099: PDB 'sfml-window-s-d.pdb' was not found with 'sfml-window-s-d.lib(GlContext.cpp.obj)' or at 'C:\Users\Flash619\documents\visual studio 2010\Projects\Genesis\Debug\sfml-window-s-d.pdb'; linking object as if no debug info
1>sfml-window-s-d.lib(GlResource.cpp.obj) : warning LNK4099: PDB 'sfml-window-s-d.pdb' was not found with 'sfml-window-s-d.lib(GlResource.cpp.obj)' or at 'C:\Users\Flash619\documents\visual studio 2010\Projects\Genesis\Debug\sfml-window-s-d.pdb'; linking object as if no debug info
1>sfml-window-s-d.lib(JoystickManager.cpp.obj) : warning LNK4099: PDB 'sfml-window-s-d.pdb' was not found with 'sfml-window-s-d.lib(JoystickManager.cpp.obj)' or at 'C:\Users\Flash619\documents\visual studio 2010\Projects\Genesis\Debug\sfml-window-s-d.pdb'; linking object as if no debug info
1>sfml-window-s-d.lib(VideoMode.cpp.obj) : warning LNK4099: PDB 'sfml-window-s-d.pdb' was not found with 'sfml-window-s-d.lib(VideoMode.cpp.obj)' or at 'C:\Users\Flash619\documents\visual studio 2010\Projects\Genesis\Debug\sfml-window-s-d.pdb'; linking object as if no debug info
1>sfml-window-s-d.lib(Window.cpp.obj) : warning LNK4099: PDB 'sfml-window-s-d.pdb' was not found with 'sfml-window-s-d.lib(Window.cpp.obj)' or at 'C:\Users\Flash619\documents\visual studio 2010\Projects\Genesis\Debug\sfml-window-s-d.pdb'; linking object as if no debug info
1>sfml-window-s-d.lib(WindowImpl.cpp.obj) : warning LNK4099: PDB 'sfml-window-s-d.pdb' was not found with 'sfml-window-s-d.lib(WindowImpl.cpp.obj)' or at 'C:\Users\Flash619\documents\visual studio 2010\Projects\Genesis\Debug\sfml-window-s-d.pdb'; linking object as if no debug info
1>sfml-window-s-d.lib(WglContext.cpp.obj) : warning LNK4099: PDB 'sfml-window-s-d.pdb' was not found with 'sfml-window-s-d.lib(WglContext.cpp.obj)' or at 'C:\Users\Flash619\documents\visual studio 2010\Projects\Genesis\Debug\sfml-window-s-d.pdb'; linking object as if no debug info
1>sfml-window-s-d.lib(JoystickImpl.cpp.obj) : warning LNK4099: PDB 'sfml-window-s-d.pdb' was not found with 'sfml-window-s-d.lib(JoystickImpl.cpp.obj)' or at 'C:\Users\Flash619\documents\visual studio 2010\Projects\Genesis\Debug\sfml-window-s-d.pdb'; linking object as if no debug info
1>sfml-window-s-d.lib(VideoModeImpl.cpp.obj) : warning LNK4099: PDB 'sfml-window-s-d.pdb' was not found with 'sfml-window-s-d.lib(VideoModeImpl.cpp.obj)' or at 'C:\Users\Flash619\documents\visual studio 2010\Projects\Genesis\Debug\sfml-window-s-d.pdb'; linking object as if no debug info
1>sfml-window-s-d.lib(WindowImplWin32.cpp.obj) : warning LNK4099: PDB 'sfml-window-s-d.pdb' was not found with 'sfml-window-s-d.lib(WindowImplWin32.cpp.obj)' or at 'C:\Users\Flash619\documents\visual studio 2010\Projects\Genesis\Debug\sfml-window-s-d.pdb'; linking object as if no debug info
1>  Genesis.vcxproj -> C:\Users\Flash619\documents\visual studio 2010\Projects\Genesis\Debug\Genesis.exe
========== Build: 1 succeeded, 0 failed, 0 up-to-date, 0 skipped ==========

The error I get on running:

Unhandled exception at 0x770215de (ntdll.dll) in Genesis.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation writing location 0x00000004.

^Not sure if thats related or not, just thought I would include it for safety sake.  Not even sure why that dll is causing a big issue unless its the conflicts above causing it.

I'm not entirely sure what I'm doing right or wrong. I used the -s-d Libraries in the 1.6 version without this much error. :/ It does work with the dynamic libraries, but I would rather stick close to what I was using. At this point however. I'm open for any suggestion or question.

I look foreward to hearing from you on this matter!

Thank you for your time, and huge thanks in advance! :)

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