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Topics - XeRaCKeR

Pages: [1]
Graphics / sf::Vertex V.S sf::Shape / sf::Sprite
« on: April 19, 2015, 04:47:56 pm »
Hi, is there any reason to use sh::Shape or sf::Sprite instead of sf::Vertex and create your own class with your owns metods? Since sf::Vertex is more efficient, isn't it?


General / Is possible to force mouse to stay in sf::RenderWindow?
« on: January 18, 2014, 12:48:28 am »
Hi, I am learning OpenGL under SFML, and I am trying to move the 3D camera with mouse.

Is there any way to force the cursor to stay in the window? Since I can almost force it with the next code, but it doesnt work when you move the mouse so fast than the cursor can leave the window.

            case sf::Event::MouseMoved:
                // For camera rotation
                gradh += (event.mouseMove.x - (int)window.getSize().x/2)/7;
                grady += (event.mouseMove.y - (int)window.getSize().y/2)/7;
                // Force mouse to stay in the middle

Or another way to rotate the camera with mouse?

Sorry if bad english. Greetings

Hi, I'm working on a Client App and I wish to create a Client class where I create 2 threads (R and S), who execute functions Receiver and Sender, respectively...
class Client {
    sf::IPAddress ServerAddress;
    sf::SocketTCP Socket;
    sf::Packet Packet;
    sf::Thread R, S;
    void Receiver(void*);
    void Sender(void*);
    bool connected;
    bool updated;
    sf::Packet Receive();
    void Send(sf::Packet);
    bool IsConnected();
    bool IsUpToDate();

Then, I get:
Thread.hpp|92|error: 'sf::Thread::Thread()' is protected|

I tried with
class Client : public sf::Thread {
class Client : private sf::Thread {
but this doesn't resolve it

How can I resolve it?

PD: Sorry if bad english ^^

Pages: [1]