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Topics - fer_t

Pages: [1]
Window / Created GL context does not meet requested
« on: January 17, 2017, 06:59:35 pm »
I am using 2.4.1 now and it seems something is broken, when trying to enable AA I get:
Warning: The created OpenGL context does not fully meet the settings that were requested
Requested: version = 1.1 ; depth bits = 0 ; stencil bits = 0 ; AA level = 8 ; core = false ; debug = false ; sRGB = false
Created: version = 3.0 ; depth bits = 0 ; stencil bits = 0 ; AA level = 0 ; core = false ; debug = false ; sRGB = false

I have attached the test file I used. The driver supports up to 8x AA (this worked last time I used it).
glGetIntegerv(GL_MAX_SAMPLES_EXT, &a);
Also returns 8.

I use an AMD 280x on openSUSE 42.1 Linux (opensource driver).
Does someone has an idea whats the problem?

Graphics / sf::Text position
« on: May 06, 2016, 03:06:13 am »
I am a bit confused about sf::Text and its positioning.

If origin is set to upper left corner 0,0 and I place it (setPosition) at 0,0 I expect it to start from 0,0 and extend to getGlobalBounds.width, getGlobalBounds.height.

But actually it does not start at 0,0 even if the origin is set to 0,0 and position is set to 0,0.
That is quite confusing, see first attachment: "Hallo" is placed as described and the RectangleShape is created:
sf::RectangleShape b({20, 5});
b.setPosition(0, s.getGlobalBounds().height);

So normally the bottom of the H should be end at the beginning of the shape and not overlap, or am I wrong?

Another example is attachment 2 (b.png) where all my menu entries are misplaced (see markers are where I expect the text to start).

Yes I know globalBounds.top gives me the offset (found that few minutes ago), but why is this offset always added?

Feature requests / Add support for Opus audio
« on: February 22, 2016, 02:33:30 am »

It would be great if sfml would support opus as audio format.
Opus is a free / open audio format and at the moment the codec with the
best quality per bitrate, at least for low bitrates (< 100kb/s) but still good at higher bitrates.
It was developed to replace speex and gets now more and more used for VoIP applications,
because it provides very low delay (see:  wikipedia).
But it provides also better compression then vorbis or mp3 / aac and most other lossy codecs,
with better compression I mean better quality / bitrate, for a comparison see:

I personally use it for all my audio files, because I do not need loss less audio in my games.
And especially voice, which is often used in games, can be compressed at very low bitrates without noticeable quality loss ( <96kb/s).

Yesterday I merged my custom changes into a sfml fork, so you can try it your self:

Feedback is very welcome :-)

Window / Low FPS
« on: August 08, 2012, 03:18:01 am »
I hope I am in the right sub-forum ;)
I have a problem: Low FPS.
So also if I only have a main-loop with clock.restart, window.clear and window.display, I only get 50-70 FPS, but I expected more then 500-1000.
I do not think it is  a hardware problem, I have a AMD Phenom II x3 (3x3,0Ghz), 4GB RAM and a MSI HD5770 Hawk graphic card so I think this should be enough ;)
I use openSUSE 12.1 64Bit with SFML 2 (build from latest source code).
Does anybody have an explanation? It really confuses me ;)
Thank you :D

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