General discussions / Hello All
« on: September 12, 2012, 07:18:28 pm »
I am new to SFML but not new to programming, games, C++ etc. I have been writing software for nearly 20 years now, starting in C and progressing to C++ (limited usage of STL at the time), ASM (x86) and later Java (last 8 or so years). I have written software for multiple platforms in native C/C++ code, most interestingly for the Sega Dreamcast. For a few years I was maintaining a cross platform C++ based framework (Tiki) that was started as a spin off of a similar library that was part of KallistiOS (libtsunami). Tiki used native OpenGL calls and works well but is a bit more complex than I need for my current game ideas. In addition to games development (starting off in days of BBS dialup systems and text interfaces) I also used to write and port emulators on/to Windows. Many of them have not been touched in over 10 years and when I look back at the code I did write way back then I see way too many WTF snippets to count and many instances where STL would have been a lot simpler!
I am looking at using SFML as a basis for a simple game engine of sorts for a few 2D and 2.5D games I have planned out. For the 2.5D rendering I am planning on using some of the tutorials and working them in with some of my older code which handled the isometric rendering on the Dreamcast using native PVR calls (very similar to OpenGL except Y and Z are flipped). I will also be leveraging Tiled and develop a more feature complete map loader for this using any available code as a base for this.
I am looking at using SFML as a basis for a simple game engine of sorts for a few 2D and 2.5D games I have planned out. For the 2.5D rendering I am planning on using some of the tutorials and working them in with some of my older code which handled the isometric rendering on the Dreamcast using native PVR calls (very similar to OpenGL except Y and Z are flipped). I will also be leveraging Tiled and develop a more feature complete map loader for this using any available code as a base for this.