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Topics - chrisciscoioio

Pages: [1]
Window / Mouse Get Position Issue
« on: October 31, 2012, 02:55:43 pm »
I wasn't passing a window to be relative to, I assumed that passing a window was only used for multiple window setup, apparently it is not, my issue is resolved.

System / sf::err result what does it mean?
« on: October 28, 2012, 02:11:03 am »
this is the output of an sf::err - 6B63D240 

It looks like a memory address, is it not a useful string, I am missing something?                       

Window / sf::Mouse::getPosition(*window) is returning the wrong location.
« on: September 29, 2012, 08:19:44 pm »
I am going to start this off with I am sure I am missing something, but I am not sure what.

sf::Vector2i pos = sf::Mouse::getPosition(*window); doesnt seem to be returning the correct y value, the x value appears right however, I have attached an image that shows where my mouse is when clicked compared with where the point appears.

[attachment deleted by admin]

So yesterday this worked find up until today.

I followed the tutorial for setting up VS2010, although it left out sfml-main.lib and sfml-main-d.lib.
Everything is setup as it should be with everything pointed to the right file paths and all the includes are right.

It also runs fine in release mode, but if I change the debug mode sfml-main to the release version it will still fail while in debug mode, but release mode works fine, and they are pointing to the same file.

I am sure I will need o provide more information, I will check back every 30 minutes or so while I am in class.

Pages: [1]