"The project has stopped development""Hello World" BaneTrapper Here.
I'm self learned c++ programer with near three years of experience, my hobby is to make games along side that, i am dedicated, and persistent therefore i decided to start a team project because i did not have enough time to make each part of the game myself, currently i am just working on this project The Wanderer - Lost in time, which info you can find bellow
Acts In making:Act 0:Demonstration
Act I: Seize the power!
Current team:Developers: 2
Musicians: 2
Pixel Artists: 3
Story Writer: 1
Recruiting positions for:NOTE: This project is hobby based, its focus is not to provide revenue, rather to be a learning experience along side joyful time.
-: Looking for environment builder, use tools made by us to create environment.(Make maps, take this off my hands so i can focus more on mechanics
-: Looking for Pixel artist who is willing to make sprites for characters, and equipment pieces(Animations for walking, attack swing, attack bow, Cast magic, Dying/Death).
-: Also looking for developers who are willing to take a specific mechanic, and focus on it(Inventory(make items, control inventory GUI, make crafting / crafting recipes) or Menus(State machine is made, although we have some menus which are mid way done they need finishing as implementing what happends when button is pressed), and simmilar)
-: Looking for special effect creator, whatever you can make we need
. From Bird cheeps, to bush shaking, to swords clashing SE, up to spell explosion, spell tornado sound.
Whatever you can do i want it
We are designing a new world, in it characters, and areas with detailed story to experience.
My goal is to make the world dynamic, meaning your actions have impact on a world, and i am not talking about choice A or B such as, A will cause This, B will cause That. What i am talking about is a world that you can interact with everything, burning buildings, killing inhabitants of town, steal... everything has a effect. The world is alive(Meaning if you kill a towns farmer, there will be somebody who will replace him, the town needs a farmer...) and you are free to do anything anytime(Of course your actions have consequence, but if nobody saw you do it, you didn't do it...). My plan for story is for it to flow as you play, even if you engage in it or not, the clock ticks and world goes on.
Game play:You will be in control of a single rpg character that is on his quest to unite the land under his banner. On his way he will encounter numerous characters that will require help, a interactive environment, a world to explore, and few ways to deal with certain issues. For his quest is tough, the hero will require help of some sort, companions, conquering land for his own, commanding towns, and leading his own army, All to unite the land under his banner! the quest worthy of a king, or a fool... It is yet to be told!
Quests:No spoilers.
youtube: "BaneTrapper Dev"
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8r76BkWbj9nRJL-kfSwfxAYou can find update videos there, i will try to be more regular. As in one update video each week or two.
What is to be expected in alpha:Single character control, Items that affect player (Consumables, Equipment), Environment to explore, Characters with story to tell, Quests and puzzles.
Update 5 20:Sep:2015:I have started streaming the development, you can catch up here :
http://www.twitch.tv/banetrapperdevI stream Saturdays and Sundays when i wake up. If i am not working i will also stream during work days.
Added AI, currently it gets action from town what is required to do.(Harvesting and crafting). Unit will go out, harvest, and return resources.
It will also craft when town orders it as a action when it has resources to do so.
Also equipment is now dynamic, equipping a item piece has its own sprite that shows in game.
Some spell effects have been added, and updated.