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Topics - Halsys

Pages: [1]
Graphics / [SOLVED]Textures disappearing out of existence.
« on: June 15, 2013, 09:48:31 pm »
Can buggy drivers cause textures to disappear from existence? Ie. The "latest" WHQL Nvidia 320.18 drivers.
Because this has been a thing only for my windows builds.
Second thing.... does SFML have any code that I can put a break point on to figure out this problem?
(Like if the texture is drawing without a texture or if a texture became corrupt?)

Because asking all this is easier than just saying that my textures are disappearing and blaming it on SFML for something I'm not entirely sure how it could do it.

Any help would be great!

Feature requests / Bézier curves
« on: June 09, 2013, 09:13:40 am »

Not quite sure how hard it would be to set this up in something like SFML but I could definitely use/need it! I want to use it for in-game wires and some minor details like wind or Stink lines(like in cartoons). Maybe even tough geometry where if I did it in something like gimp it would seem too pixelated or pregenerated.

I was also thinking it could also be adapted to improve the text code, so the lines on it would look less blurred and more smooth and sharp! Now there is nothing wrong with straight lines... I just really need those awesome curvy lines!
Who's with me for this?

General / sf::View with OpenGL on top
« on: January 07, 2013, 10:10:29 am »
I'm setting up Box2D with my game still and I need the DebugDraw stuff on top (of SFML) to see whats going on under the hood. In my game the sf::View Camera fallows the player but doesn't move with the OpenGL stuff... I expected that but is there a way to cheaply fix it to where I can move all this OpenGL geometry to be lined up with the Camera as a whole? I could code all the DebugDraw stuff to use SFML instead but I did a lot of work for this so far. Any help on this would be awesome. :)

SFML projects / Project:Red
« on: December 20, 2012, 04:27:22 am »
FYI... That's not going to be the name

Its nothing special and its still very much a prototype... Nothing near to what I want the finished prototype to look like. All of the art and music is going to be based off of the artist Boys Noize. So its very much a musical game. The art style is something I got from when I was watching this video by Neal Coghlan.

So imagine a game featuring all of the traits of that video... including the Hard red color and the awesome music but as a platformer. My friend, the art Director, plans on making it a smooth and very rounded game like the video. Here in the pic, there all pixel art but carry the same vision I had.

I will plan on releasing a demo on this forum, not a full copy and no source code. You can ask me in a PM if you wanted to know how I did some things... Like the Tile Management. anyway, the game is very much in the beginning stages... and its my first game ever.... So development is going to be slow and controlled.

List of things I plan on adding:
  • Physics from a 2D physics engine
  • A lot of musical content
  • The ability to make your own levels
  • Multiplatform - Right now its Linux and Windows... maybe more
  • Controller Support
  • 3D?
  • Maybe more

Legal concerns pertaining to the use of Boys Noize's music:
The music in the game is going to be mixed like a common remix you find on the internet. I'm also taking measures to make sure that none of the music sounds like the real thing it came from. So you cant record the game to get a full copy of a album.

I hope you guys find this more promising than the posts/topics I made before...
You guys helped me this far... don't kill the dream.
Oh and if you guys have ideas or suggestions.... Go ahead and ask.

System / My Time is broken
« on: November 28, 2012, 04:27:47 am »
*Sigh*.... Alright I want to keep a certain thing to keep drawing for 3 seconds & have my player move on a delta, but! When I try to do all this it ignores time itself. So when I try to do a std::cout to see whats going on, it tells me 3e-006 or some other number and never changes.

I got 2 scenarios here trying to show the time as a example and it does the same thing for me:
it will display on the console like: 3e-006 3e-006

#include <SFML/Graphics.hpp>
#include <SFML/System.hpp>
#include <iostream>

int main()
    sf::RenderWindow window(sf::VideoMode(800, 600), "Keyboad Events");
    sf::Clock Clock;
    sf::Time Time = Clock.getElapsedTime();

        sf::Event event;
            float time = Time.asSeconds();
            std::cout << Time.asSeconds() << " "<< time << std::endl;
            if(event.type == sf::Event::Closed)



Some major help is required here...

Window / Mouse/Keyboard Event issue
« on: November 26, 2012, 06:32:08 pm »
Alright... I have done everything in my power to fix this but it turns out.... I can't fix it.
Basically I call a check to see if a button on the keyboard is pressed and which button is being pressed.
Then it does what it is supposed to do(Move player left or right), And it works... BUT!

When ever I move the mouse, it does the same thing(Move the player to the right).
Does the problem rely on the mouse I am using(Razer - Black Mamba) or am I an idiot?
Here is a snippet of my code:

        if((event.type == sf::Event::KeyPressed) && (event.key.code == sf::Keyboard::D))
            //Move to the Right and shift one frame on the animation tile
            Player::FrameSize.left = 32 * Player::frame;
            Player::FrameSize.top = 0;
            Player::VELx += 0.01;

        if((event.type == sf::Event::KeyPressed) && (event.key.code == sf::Keyboard::A))
            //Move to the Left and shift one frame on the animation tile
            Player::FrameSize.left = 32 * Player::frame;
            Player::FrameSize.top = 32;
            Player::VELx += -0.01;
        if((event.type == sf::Event::KeyReleased) && (event.key.code != sf::Keyboard::D))
            //if button is not being pushed... Reset the animation
            Player::FrameSize.left = 0;
            Player::VELx = 0;

        if((event.type == sf::Event::KeyReleased) && (event.key.code != sf::Keyboard::A))
            //if button is not being pushed... Reset the animation
            Player::FrameSize.left = 0;
            Player::VELx = 0;

Oh and also... Note that the VEL stuff is not 100% thought through yet, I needed to test the movement of the sprite and its animation.
As for the "(event.type == sf::Event::KeyReleased)" and "(event.type == sf::Event::KeyPressed)", has no effect if it was like:

        if(event.type == sf::Event::KeyPressed){
        if(event.key.code == sf::Keyboard::D)
            Player::FrameSize.left = 32 * Player::frame;
            Player::FrameSize.top = 0;
            Player::VELx += 0.01;

        if(event.key.code == sf::Keyboard::A)
            Player::FrameSize.left = 32 * Player::frame;
            Player::FrameSize.top = 32;
            Player::VELx += -0.01;

Any insight or fix or anything would be most greatly appreciated.

General discussions / Engine Dev or Game Dev...Which one goes first?
« on: November 09, 2012, 05:38:06 am »
Uh hi, new member here on the forums.
Been using SFML 2.0 for quite a bit sometime here, Working on a bunch of prototypes with it.
I just wanted to say hi, from the United States and wanted be part of a great library and its community.
I might ask a few questions here and there about some things.... I'm still pretty Avid with C++.
Your Forum header for General was "For everything that is not a help request"...
So if this is not supposed to be here... let me know, please?
I might show you guys a couple of my Prototypes I have been working on...
So, Ya... Sorry if this odd for anyone and there standards.
If I didn't say hi, it would have eaten away at me for not.

Oh and a quick question? Is it smart to build a engine or focus immediately on the game? or Both at the same time? Not all questions are stupid... not that its stupid at all... Okay maybe to me its stupid.
When I think of triple A games, I think engines and Vivid graphics. Ie:Source or Unreal or Frostbite
When I think Indie games, I imagine Very rushed primitive mock ups. Ie: The prototype of Worldofgoo or Braid
This is coming from somebody who over plans everything... and maybe over think too.
Which one is best any way aswell?

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