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Topics - Zylann

Pages: [1]
Audio / [Fixed] Mono sound still not spatialized
« on: August 30, 2014, 08:53:11 pm »
EDIT: Problem solved, I simply confused file paths :'D (but I can't remove the topic, it is irrelevant now...)


I'm using SFML.Net 2.1, and having a strange issue with Sounds.
Actually, I first noticed that some of my sounds were not spatialized at all. From the docs, they must be mono, so I removed the right channel with Audacity, then saved them.

It worked on most of my audio files, however some of them are still loaded as if they were stereo (buffer.ChannelCount returns 2).
I tried with another audio software (Reaper): it loaded the sound as mono, then saved as mono... still no luck with SFML :(

The loading log:

Two examples of sound files, both mono, but hit1.ogg is loaded as stereo Oo

Graphics / Texture coordinates of RenderTarget hardcoded in pixels?
« on: October 12, 2013, 08:28:57 pm »
I spent 1 hour trying to figure out a texturing problem in my game.

In sf::Texture, I saw that the default mode is Normalized, which I attempt to use with a VertexArray.

However, I found that the coordinate system used in RenderTarget is Texture::Pixels.

It's hardcoded into the applyTexture function, why? Will it be customizable in future releases?

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