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Topics - insomniac

Pages: [1]
General / problems with windows 8 and sfml 1.6-2.1
« on: March 05, 2014, 06:35:22 pm »
I am compiling on codeblocks 13.12 and using sfml 2.1 linked dynamicly and the basic graphic tut code compiles and on start up I get this.
the procedure entry point _gxx_personallity_() could not be located in the dynamic link library. C:\Users\insomniac\Desktop\client head\client crap\sfml-graphics-2.

I recently updated to Windows 8.1 AMD E-300 with Radeon Graphics, 4 GB Ram AMD HD 6310 with Radeon Graphics "I'm not impressed".I've used sfml many times from 1.6-2.0 and never had problems like this.2.1 compiles fine and just cant find the graphics.dll.

I also realized I can't get any of my old games or apps to work that I made on my old XP with sfml 1.6 to work on it.

Audio / sf::Music is running my cpu at 40-100%?
« on: December 17, 2012, 08:20:47 am »
I'm using sfml 1.6, I am only about a week into using sfml and I'm having trouble with audio no matter what rout I go. I compiled the basic sf::Music and sf::Sound tutorials and even those simple programs run my cpu 40-90%. So today I downloaded irrklang to see if maybe it was a problem with my computer,code,bug or what not. I played the same .ogg file and my cpu maintained 0-4%.
Is there something specific the tutorial doesn't mention that I need to do or is this common issue?

Window / How do I restrict my window to a set size or fullscreen?
« on: December 14, 2012, 10:29:42 pm »
I'm using sfml 1.6 and I guess the title says it all, I either want a player to be able to run a 800x600 window or fullscreen window but not be able to resize it.

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