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Topics - ZackTheHuman

Pages: [1]
SFML projects / Mega Man / Rockman Clone (Project Hikari)
« on: January 19, 2013, 02:14:13 am »
I've been working a Mega Man / Rockman clone in my spare time for quite a while. I finally have something that looks like a game so I figure it's worth sharing. I've pushed all of the code in to GitHub if anyone is interested int following the project. My ultimate goal is to create an accurate Mega Man game clone.

There are some bugs which can be seen in the video. Also note that currently there is no code that checks in Rock touches spikes -- you can just walk right over them.

I'm trying my best to make things as data-driven as possible. The code on GitHub right now is pretty messy but it's getting better over time. You can check out the repository here: https://github.com/hakase-labs/hikari

I would love to get some feedback about the game and if anyone has a lot of time the code too!

Edit: Another video has been posted! See it here:

Edit 2:: A new video has been posted that features water and weapons:

SFML projects / SFML backend for Guichan
« on: January 11, 2013, 10:09:47 am »
Hi. Today I completed a working backend for Guichan that uses SFML. It's up on GitHub and you can find it here:


Update: Here is the classic Guichan "widgets" example using SFML as the back end:

Update 2: Almost all features are working now!

Update 3: If you don't know what Guichan is, you can find out more here: https://code.google.com/p/guichan/. Guichan is a small GUI library and framework aimed at games. It has various backends (like OpenGL, HGE, SDL, etc.) and a collection of basic widgets (Button, Checkbox, Label, Image, etc.).

Original post:
Right now it is only the gcn::Graphics portion, I'll be working on getting input implemented in the next few days.

Over the years I have seen many people ask for this but never really any solution to getting SFML working with Guichan. Someone on the French forums posted their implementation, but it is now our of date if you're using SFML 2. There were also some problems associated with clip rectangles in that implementation.

I would really appreciate any feedback about this, especially about how it can be improved. I'm hoping that people will find this useful.

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