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Topics - Bryston

Pages: [1]
System / creating a spin-down timer
« on: March 20, 2013, 07:02:33 pm »
Any advice on how to create a spin-down timer?

Ive got an animation running at speed x and i want it to slowly spin down to 0 then stop

im pretty sure it is going to involve three elements like
sf::Clock sysClock;

sf::Time tInitial;
sf::Time tDelta;
sf::Time tTotal;

tInitial = sysClock.restart();
tDelta = sf::Seconds(0.02f);
tTotal = (some math operation combining tInitial and tDelta so i can ramp the animation down)

Im using Foalys animation class, so that may have a small/big influence on how to handle this problem.

Graphics / more beginner graphics questions
« on: March 19, 2013, 08:30:40 pm »
Im using Foalys Animation Class to tinker around. So far I have an 800x600 playfield with a 400x300 view window. On the playfield I have animated combat dummy. my character has the animations for walking/shooting bow/spear thrust and fidget. I can turn the animated dummy on/off with a key press to reset it for now. And I have a collision event set up that if my character runs into the dummy it animates (to test for future arrow strikes).

Question 1: should I be loading all of the animations into one animation object and then calling up the animations for walk/bow/spear/fidget etc... by which frame to start at or leave it as seperate animation objects for each?

Question 2: my fidget animation is basically a 4 second timer that turns the fidget bool on/off, resets the animation to frame0, runs the animation or stops the animation. what would be the best way to have the fidget animation turn on every x seconds, run for the # of frames in the animation, then turn off and wait til the next timer event?

re-did the video, hopefully it plays better
Video showing what I have working so far..

Feature requests / Multiple layer support for sprite sheets
« on: March 17, 2013, 03:19:20 pm »
Instead of using the tools in
to build up a composited image for animations it would be cool if the library had XCF support so that layers could be turned on/off with switches. The LPC sprite sheets got me thinking about this.

Graphics / basic animation help
« on: March 16, 2013, 05:56:26 pm »
Hi, I've been having trouble with the forums search function so I'm going to ask in here.

I have a sprite sheet, 4 rows of 8 columns showing walking left/right/forward/rear

Can someone give me a quick example of how to 'animate' from the sprite sheet?

this is my very first totally newbie-ish time using sprites so please be kind :)

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