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Topics - Tuffywub

Pages: [1]
General / Newest XCode Template Updates
« on: April 20, 2014, 02:41:23 am »
I have been using the SFML 2.1 release with XCode for a while now, but I just built the latest sources from git, and there seems to be issues with the templates.

First of all, there is a cmake variable SFML_INSTALL_XCODE4_TEMPLATES, which confuses me because the readme in tools/templates/xcode says that it works for XCode 4 and 5.

I installed the templates in the latest git in tools/templates/xcode into the correct location and I am able to select them to create a new SFML project. All goes well until after I choose where to save the project, at which point XCode quits unexpectedly, with no error messages.

I'm guessing that the commit github.com/LaurentGomila/SFML/commit/19012c66ea40cda064bfc158a5cac7eabd21280d has somehow messed up the templates, resulting in a corrupt project or something :(

Let me know if you need any more information on my system or something, I'll see if I can look into this further when I have more time.

General discussions / Favorite IDE
« on: November 13, 2013, 05:27:00 am »
Hey everyone, I was just wondering what the SFML community used to develop things. I personally use Visual Studio (express), but I thought getting a new poll on this would be fun, or even informative for beginners struggling to choose.

Feature requests / Vbo class
« on: July 02, 2013, 07:32:44 pm »
Hello, I was wondering about the future of the Graphics Module. Specifically, do you think that SFML will support vbos in the near future? There is already a wrapper around vertex arrays, but nothing for a vbo. Were the developers planning on doing this in the near future, or is this not going to be part of the library? It seems like it should be fairly simple to add this functionality, as it would be a near copy of the vertex array class. I have written my own wrapper around it, but I think it would be great to have the graphics module expose the performance of vbos to users in an easy way. Thanks! :)

Network / Checking if TcpSocket is connected
« on: May 08, 2013, 04:58:57 am »
Hey, I was wondering, what is the best and fastest way to check if an sf::TcpSocket is connected? Can I just set it to non-blocking mode, and then call receive to get a status code? Would that work, and is it efficient? Is there a better, simpler way? I looked at the documentation, and there doesn't seem to be something like:

bool isConnected();

So what should I use? Sorry if this has been asked, I didn't see anything about it online, but give me a link if there is. Thanks in advance.  :)

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