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Topics - deltaphc

Pages: [1]
I have a ResourceManager class that basically maintains a cache of SFML objects. At compile-time, it's giving me this error:
Code: [Select]
1>  ResourceManager.cpp
1>d:\prog\libs\sfml-2.0-rc\include\sfml\system\mutex.hpp(89): error C2248: 'sf::NonCopyable::NonCopyable' : cannot access private member declared in class 'sf::NonCopyable'
1>          d:\prog\libs\sfml-2.0-rc\include\sfml\system\noncopyable.hpp(67) : see declaration of 'sf::NonCopyable::NonCopyable'
1>          d:\prog\libs\sfml-2.0-rc\include\sfml\system\noncopyable.hpp(42) : see declaration of 'sf::NonCopyable'
1>          This diagnostic occurred in the compiler generated function 'sf::Mutex::Mutex(const sf::Mutex &)'
The thing I don't understand with this error is that I don't even use a Mutex anywhere in my code. I don't even use threading. And as far as I'm aware, all of the objects I use in ResourceManager (Texture, Music, Sound, Font) are all copyable and thus shouldn't generate this error as a side effect... that is, if I'm actually copying anything. I've tried to use object references where possible.

Some relevant source code;




Level.h does not use any SFML types other than sf::Color.

Sorry about the amount of code. I wish I could isolate this further, but the compiler certainly isn't helping. I'm guessing that I'm missing something simple; I'm certainly no expert in all of C++'s little details.

I'm using the precompiled VS2010 package for SFML 2.0 RC. 32-bit compiler on Win7 x64.

C / Two issues I've come across
« on: January 27, 2009, 10:32:33 am »
Hello! Couldn't find these issues elsewhere, so I decided to register and post this.

At the top of my main.c:
Code: [Select]
#include <string.h>
#include <SFML/Audio.h>
#include <SFML/Graphics.h>
#include <physfs.h>

When I try to compile:
Code: [Select]
C:\dev\SFML-1.4\CSFML\include\SFML\Graphics\RenderWindow.h|51|error: redefinition of typedef 'sfRenderWindow'|
C:\dev\SFML-1.4\CSFML\include\SFML\Graphics\Image.h|36|error: previous declaration of 'sfRenderWindow' was here|
||=== Build finished: 2 errors, 0 warnings ===|

Using MinGW (GCC 4.3.2) and CodeBlocks. Any ideas?

Also, in the CSFML/lib/mingw/ folder in the C SDK, it appears that the filenames of the dynamic and static libraries are reversed. i.e. it's named libcsfml-audio.a when it should be audio-s, etc.

The regular C++ version works fine, but I just code in C as a personal preference. ;)

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