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Topics - Blodyavenger

Pages: [1]
Audio / Multiple Sounds problem | they don't play after time
« on: April 21, 2013, 07:26:29 pm »
I've looked around the forum and I think there was no solution for my problem. So here it goes:

I have like 10 sounds playing at once like falling stones, water dripping, player steps, fire burning etc. I have this earthquake scene where stones are falling to the ground (each stone has it's own sf::Sound) and when it hits the ground, sound plays and then the object is destroyed. After time, I stop hearing stone sounds (not entirely, sound plays from time to time) and I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong.

  • I keep sound buffers in one array and I point sf::Sound to these
  • Objects with sound have static sf::Sound for member variable
  • Objects are allocated with new but I destroy them with delete

Is there a way to see how many sf::Sound instances are alive? Anything would help, thanks a lot!

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