SERPENT:Though it seems I've been beaten to the punch by another snake cloner, here's my rendition of the game. It's my first real project in C++ coming in with not much more knowhow than TI-BASIC can provide, but I think that it turned out rather well. I apologise for any code looking unpolished, or any parts of the overall game feeling sloppy.
Controls are the usual arrow keys, and the enter/return key will help you leave the "menu".
Unlike others, mine barely has any music, just an annoying 8-bit loop of around 6 seconds.
Unlike others, mine does eat fruit. Apples in fact.
Unlike others, I do not have an "excellent fail screen".
I hope you enjoy it anyway.

Download link: code:, please bear with the 33/16 time signature music. I can't seem to fix the music.