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Messages - Enok

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Solved. It was a mismatch between the backing enum types for sf::BlendMode::Factor vs my beef representation, the correct type was uint32.

Hey! I'm currently doing SFML bindings in the beef programming language and I've run into a bit of a problem when trying to call sfRenderWindow_drawSprite() and passing in RenderStates with a null shader handle.

ShaderHandle & TextureHandle are just pointer-sized opaque handles

[CRepr, Ordered]
public struct RenderStates
    public BlendMode Mode;
    public Matrix3x3 Matrix; //sfTransform
    public TextureHandle TextureH;
    public ShaderHandle ShaderH;

   public this(BlendMode mode, Texture texture, Shade shader, Matrix3x3? matrix)
        Mode = mode;
        TextureH = texture.[Friend]_handle;
        ShaderH = shader.[Friend]_handle;
        Matrix = matrix ?? Matrix3x3.Identity;  

public static void Main()
        using(let window = new RenderWindow(VideoMode(800, 600), "Title")) {
                window.ClosedEvent.Add(scope (w) => {

                var texture = scope Texture("resources/beef.png");
                var sprite = scope Sprite(texture);
                var renderStates = RenderStates(BlendMode.Alpha, texture, null, null);

                while (window.IsOpen())
                        //window.DrawSprite(sprite, renderStates); ACCESS VIOLATION

DotNet / Re: Texture CoordinateType enum missing from SFML.Net?
« on: March 15, 2018, 05:25:16 pm »
Well, solved it. I don't understand why it would make any difference though, since Texture is just a public field..


_states = new RenderStates(texture); //This works, texture shows up correctly

_states.Texture = texture; //This does not work, doesn't show up at all

Looking through RenderStates.cs atm and I can't really see the issue.

Alright I see it now, I wasn't paying attention earlier, it's a silly thing really.

I'm initializing the RenderStates with the default empty constructor which means the transform and blendmode aren't set properly.

DotNet / Re: Texture CoordinateType enum missing from SFML.Net?
« on: March 15, 2018, 04:11:02 pm »
I don't think there should be an issue with the texture reference, it's not null when I pass it into the RenderState instance so unless it gets nulled internally there, references wouldn't be the issue.

This is the result if I omit the RenderState when I do a draw call: https://puu.sh/zIbeO/cf40eaa6ca.png
And this is what it looks like if I pass it in: https://puu.sh/zIchk/94cc0835aa.png

Which makes me think I got the texture coords wrong. But the texture is just a black image, no transparency or anything so I'd think it would still show something on screen, unless I'm doing something wrong when I assign the texture coordinates to the vertices, which I probably am, because I don't know if the TexCoord field on the Vertex struct takes normalized coords or pixels.

DotNet / Re: Texture CoordinateType enum missing from SFML.Net?
« on: March 15, 2018, 02:43:33 pm »
I posted the relevant pieces in the first post where I assign the texture coords of the vertices, but I'll drop the entire thing here if its easier :): https://pastebin.com/WNfqEa5i

This is just where I pass in the texture, source / destination rects for batching
for (int y = 0; y < 1080 / 16; y++) {
        for (int x = 0; x < 1920 / 16; x++) {
                _spriteBatch.Batch(_texture, new IntRect(new Vector2i(0, 0), new Vector2i(16, 16)), new FloatRect(new Vector2f(x * 16, y * 16), _size), Color.Red);

DotNet / Re: Texture CoordinateType enum missing from SFML.Net?
« on: March 15, 2018, 02:26:08 pm »
I'm using SFML 2.2, just downloaded the binaries from the bindings page.

https://www.sfml-dev.org/documentation/2.0/classsf_1_1Texture.php According to docs it should be in 2.0 too.

And I'm not doing any explicit GL calls, I just pass a vertex array and a render state into the Draw method of a RenderWindow. If I omit the render state the quads show up properly(assuming I pass a color), else the quads are just transparent.

DotNet / Texture CoordinateType enum missing from SFML.Net?
« on: March 15, 2018, 01:59:53 pm »
Like the title, this: https://www.sfml-dev.org/documentation/2.4.2/classsf_1_1Texture.php#aa6fd3bbe3c334b3c4428edfb2765a82e

seems to be missing from the .NET-binding.

What's the default coordinate type? Working on a sprite batcher and the textures aren't being displayed so I assume I got the coordinates wrong (since the quads display correctly with color).

Relevant code:
var item = new BatchItem();
item.Update(x, y, width, height, color, new Vector2i(source.Left, source.Top));

public void Update(float x, float y, float width, float height, Color color, Vector2i textureCoords)
        TopLeft.Position = new Vector2f(x, y);
        TopLeft.Color = color;
        TopLeft.TexCoords = new Vector2f(textureCoords.X, textureCoords.Y);

        TopRight.Position = new Vector2f(x + width, y);
        TopRight.Color = color;
        TopRight.TexCoords = new Vector2f(textureCoords.X + width, textureCoords.Y);

        BottomRight.Position = new Vector2f(x + width, y + height);
        BottomRight.Color = color;
        BottomRight.TexCoords = new Vector2f(textureCoords.X + width, textureCoords.Y + height);

        BottomLeft.Position = new Vector2f(x, y + height);
        BottomLeft.Color = color;
        BottomLeft.TexCoords = new Vector2f(textureCoords.X, textureCoords.Y + height);

DotNet / Re: sfmlnet-graphics-2.dll - System.AccessViolationException
« on: November 25, 2014, 07:15:44 pm »
Try newer csfml-*.dll files. You can get them here: http://www.nightlybuilds.ch/project/show/4/CSFML/

Haha, I did do that some minutes ago and I was just about to write that I had it up and running properly when you wrote. :D

Anyhow, it's working, thank's for the quick response yo.

DotNet / sfmlnet-graphics-2.dll - System.AccessViolationException
« on: November 25, 2014, 06:16:16 pm »

I compiled the latest source from github and this happens when I use the Sprite class.
Specifically when I try to draw the sprite. If I comment that part out, it'll run without any problems.

namespace ForScience
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)

            using(var rWindow = new RenderWindow(new VideoMode(800, 600), "For science!", Styles.Close))
                Sprite spr = new Sprite(new Texture("spr_cannon_barrel.png"));

                rWindow.Closed += (sender, e) =>

                    rWindow.Clear(new Color(248, 240, 255));


The image is copied to build directory along with the extlibs and all libs are properly referenced.

DotNet / Re: Set sprite origin.
« on: November 20, 2014, 05:25:45 pm »
The hell.. I'm gonna compile the latest source and try again..

DotNet / Re: Set sprite origin.
« on: November 20, 2014, 03:07:24 pm »
This is what it looks like when I just draw the sprite.

This is what it looks like with player.Origin = new Vector2f(50,50);

namespace PointAndClick
    class Game

        Player player = new Player();

        public void LoadContent()
            player.Texture = new Texture(Converter.ToSFTexture(Resources.spr_cannon_barrel));
            player.Origin = new Vector2f(50, 50);

        //Physics, move stuff.
        public void FixedUpdate(TimeSpan deltaTime)


        //Draw stuff, check for input
        public void Update(RenderWindow rWindow)
            rWindow.Clear(new Color(25,18,63));

        public static void UnloadContent()

namespace PointAndClick
    public class Player
        private Sprite sprite = new Sprite();

        public Vector2f Position { get { return this.sprite.Position; } set { this.sprite.Position = value; } }
        public Vector2f Scale    { get { return this.sprite.Scale;    } set { this.sprite.Scale = value;    } }
        public float Rotation    { get { return this.sprite.Rotation; } set { this.sprite.Rotation = value; } }

        public Texture Texture { get { return this.sprite.Texture; } set { this.sprite.Texture = value; } }
        public Vector2f Origin { get { return this.sprite.Origin;  } set { this.sprite.Origin = value;  } }
        public void Draw(RenderWindow rWindow)

DotNet / Re: Set sprite origin.
« on: November 20, 2014, 02:57:28 pm »
It doesn't do anything. It doesn't change the origin, nothing happens. There's no difference with or without it. No matter what numbers I type in, the sprites origin is always in the top-left.

DotNet / Set sprite origin.
« on: November 20, 2014, 02:41:13 pm »

Setting the sprite origin doesn't seem to work.

I can't really see what I'm doing wrong here, everything else works just fine. I can't set the Origin even if I do it directly to the sprite itself, rather than using properties.

        public void LoadContent()
            player.Origin = new Vector2f(player.Scale.Y, player.Scale.Y) / 2;

        public Vector2f Origin { get { return this.sprite.Origin;  } set { this.sprite.Origin = value;  } }

DotNet / Re: Check if mousebutton was clicked (pressed, then released)
« on: November 17, 2014, 12:43:48 pm »
I took 2 sips of my coffee and now I function properly again. I always do this, lel. I ask for a solution, then I solve it 2 minutes later, hehe.

Code: [Select]
        private static bool curState;
        private static bool MouseClicked(Mouse.Button Button)
            if (Mouse.IsButtonPressed(Button))
                curState = true;

            if (curState)
                if (!Mouse.IsButtonPressed(Button))
                    curState = false;
                    return true;
                    return false;
                return false;

DotNet / Check if mousebutton was clicked (pressed, then released)
« on: November 17, 2014, 12:33:49 pm »

I'm having a bit of a problem here with a Method. See, I need this method to return true only when the mousebutton was pressed and then released.

Code: [Select]

        private static bool MouseClicked(Mouse.Button Button)
            if (Mouse.IsButtonPressed(Button))
                if (!Mouse.IsButtonPressed(Button))
                    return true;
                    return false;
                return false;

I know why the above code fails to do what I want, it's quite simple, it's running through a loop and so, the mouse-clicking has to be pretty damn precise(read lucky) in order for the method to return true..

Now, I'm at a total loss here tbh, I'm not quite sure how this could be solved. Any ideas? 

Graphics / Re: Sprites doesn't render properly
« on: April 27, 2014, 06:15:21 am »
I did like so instead:

sf::Texture texture[16];

texture[i].loadFromFile(filePath + id);


This code
         sf::Sprite mazeSprite[arraySize];
         sf::Texture texture[arraySize];

        //Runs once
        void engine::initialize()
                std::string filePath = "C:/users/enok/desktop/sprites/cube";

                float x = 10, y = 10;

                for (int i = 0; i < arraySize; i++)
                        std::string id = std::to_string(static_cast<long long>(i)) + ".png";

                        if(!texture[i].loadFromFile(filePath + id))
                                std::cout << "NOPE" << std::endl;


                        x += 32;

                        std::cout << filePath + id << std::endl;

Gives me this result http://puu.sh/8pGd9.png

But only when I run it with release, not debug. If I try debug, I get access violation writing location.

Additional dependencies:(Debug) sfml-graphics-s-d.lib;sfml-window-s-d.lib;sfml-system-s-d.lib;

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