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Messages - DdR_Dan

Pages: [1]
General / Sharing a Visual Studio 2008 SFML project
« on: February 25, 2011, 07:00:51 am »
If I wanted to share an SFML 1.5 project made using Visual Studio 2008, what would I have to do?  Would anyone who wanted to open the project need Visual Studio and would they need to download SFML 1.5?  Also, if someone had Visual Studio 2010, could they download SFML 1.5 and run the project?

SFML projects / Triple Beat! (A rhythm game)
« on: January 23, 2011, 10:10:28 pm »
Part 1- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZlzWX2P298o
Part 2- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bNMPwUG-Xmo

Copied from the video descriptions:
A year later I returned to a previously designed concept of mine that was somewhat interesting. After adding music and improving the scoring method, I came to really like the game. Over the course of a week, I worked on the game like crazy to produce what you see here (while playing it a fair amount too, to set some decent high scores).

Game instructions:
Basic Gameplay- Move the focus (yellow bars surrounding one of the three screens) to hit notes in other screens. Try to hit the notes right when they go between the dashed blue lines at the bottom.
F,G,H,J- hit notes
V,N- move focus
Q- quit and restart

Song selection screen-
Left, Right- select a song
Up, Down- select difficulty
Tab (hold)- increase speed of switching through songs
V, N- change player
Space- change multiplier
Enter- select song

Results screen-
Enter- continue

Escape- quit

Game comments:
"VS High Score" at the bottom compares your score with your current high score (in case you were wondering, it's not the high score for a VS mode).
Your combos are rated based on the farthest off note you hit in the combo, i.e. if you get a combo of perfects and greats, you have a "Great combo", if you get a good in there, you have a "Good combo", and if you get an okay, it's just "combo".
Timing windows are somewhat similar to other rhythm games, with perfects being fairly close to say DDR Marvelous or ITG Fantastic, greats between DDR perfect and great...
Scoring is as follows: 100 per perfect, 60 for each great, 30 for good, 10 for okay and 1 for poor.
Your grade is determined by your percentage (your score compared to the best possible score).
Life bar increase and decrease are included in level settings.

Comments about the level creator:
There are 2 ways to put in notes: press the button to hit notes to place a note when you press the button, or press Z, X, or C to place quarter, eighth, or sixteenth notes after you first press the button.
After placing notes, you set the position of the notes: Move the focus to change which screen notes go in, press a note button to set a specific column or a random column, press D to toggle placing double notes, and Z, X, or C to use preset patterns.
Patterns can be changed in length and note placement, and patterns are also shifted based on the current column.

General discussions / Strange math needed
« on: February 07, 2010, 09:14:09 am »
Well, I don't really know it that well, but the problem with the paddle going half way off the screen seemed to just be the screen being to large.  As for GetHeight and GetWidth, I think they don't give the value you want when the size of the window changes, so you have to get the height or width of the new view of the window to make up for the change in the view.

Graphics / sf::image::GetPixel
« on: February 07, 2010, 09:06:23 am »
Try changing "<< color.r" to "<<(int)color.r".  That seemed to work for me.

Graphics / Strange Dimensions
« on: February 07, 2010, 08:50:04 am »
I posted an answer that worked for me in the other topic.  :wink:

General discussions / Strange math needed
« on: February 07, 2010, 08:47:37 am »
It seemed as if the bottom of the game window went off the screen, at least for me.  Instead of using "sf::VideoMode::GetMode(0)", maybe use "sf::VideoMode(800,600)" or something like that (it worked for me).  I think using "Window->GetView().GetRect().GetHeight()" instead of "Window->GetHeight()" will fix the errors when the window is resized.  I hope that helps.  :)

I didn't need a divide by 2 or anything by the way.

SFML projects / My First 4 SFML Games!
« on: February 06, 2010, 06:19:54 pm »
Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2ifvadkQKrU

Game information: (copied from the video description)
Please don't copy any of my ideas without my permission.

These were the projects I made in my first week using SFML, so of course there are things I hadn't learned about yet. All of these games are pretty much unfinished; there are many things I would add or change if I still feel like working on these games.

Mass Point:
Yes, I came up with the title during a Probability class when we were talking about (guess what!)... The game currently has 9 levels, each with 4 (5 if you count training) speeds. There are 3 ratings (one to pass, one for skilled clear, and one for epic clear) based on least number of spacebar presses. When you press space, the ball moves towards your cursor. You have to get the ball to the exit without it hitting the walls. I have many ideas of things to add but won't mention them here.

Double Pong:
Pong with two paddles per player and two balls. A point is awarded when the first ball crosses either edge of the screen. First to 4 wins. Simple, eh? There's a 2 player version and a vs cpu version (the cpu only moves at half speed to make the game fair).

Triple Beat: (not certain that this is the name I like)
Basically a game like DDR/Beatmania but with 3 screens. By pressing a button you can switch left and right between screens to hit notes in other screens. The screen you are currently on has a yellow border.
Where to start with the changes I would make here..? A score system. I just threw something together so there would be a score, but I don't like how it works. Music, of course. Perhaps an editor mode that makes it easier to design the charts. Better display... etc, etc...

This was a remake of a calculator game, but this version just doesn't have the magic the calculator version did. Pressing left or right turns your square (I'd definitely change it to a snake-like line as in the calculator version) 45 degrees counterclockwise or clockwise, respectively. Up and down change your speed, and the goal is to reach the finish in the fastest time.

Graphics / sf::Shape::GetPosition() returns nan
« on: January 17, 2010, 05:21:21 pm »
Since this is my first time using SFML and doing graphics, it feels awesome to see something work.  Thank you very much.  :D

Graphics / sf::Shape::GetPosition() returns nan
« on: January 17, 2010, 05:49:41 am »
I think my problem is similar to the one here but I don't understand the answer.  I just want to get the x and y distance between the center of a sprite and the center of a circle.  I've been trying to use GetPosition and GetCenter, but I think there's something I don't understand about the system...  :wink:

I want to learn the right way to do this:

Edit:  If it matters, I want to use the distances for the direction for the ball to move.  I'm planning on taking the x and y distances, dividing by the total length and multiplying by a speed to get the ball to move towards the cursor at a specific speed.

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