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Messages - dezdapez

Pages: [1]
Window / [SOLVED] Accessing the window in other functions
« on: July 14, 2010, 04:51:03 am »
thanks a bunch man, that fixed it.

That's originally what I thought was wrong when I read "non-copyable". I'm used to programming in Java/C# where pointers are passed instead of values.

I kept trying the asterisk and it didn't work. I'm guessing that points to the memory position and ampersand points to the actual data?

Window / [SOLVED] Accessing the window in other functions
« on: July 14, 2010, 01:11:10 am »
Hi I'm new to SFML and I'm trying to get a basic tile engine working, however when I try to pass a RenderWindow object to my Tile class I get an error: "cannot access private member declared in class 'sf::NonCopyable'".

Is there a way to pass some instance of the window to my class to directly change it? If not is there some way I can pass the window's info to my class so I can draw on it and return it back to the class where it's initialized and update the window with the return value?

If neither of those is possible how can I draw to my window from another class without setting the variable as public and directly calling it?

Thanks for the help,


Pages: [1]