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Messages - OdraEncoded

Pages: [1]
SFML projects / [LD48 #31] Dodge Pong (made with DSFML)
« on: December 08, 2014, 06:28:53 pm »
I'm participating Ludum Dare this month with a game made in DSFML (D programming language binding of SFML)

You should check it out! There seems to be a consensus that it's fun, addicting, and hard, and the only critique I got so far is that it doesn't feature highscores. The game was made entirely with DSFML. No other library was used for graphics/audio/physiscs/collision detection/etc.

Windows binaries: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/35494429/DodgePong.zip
Ludum Dare page: http://ludumdare.com/compo/ludum-dare-31/?action=preview&uid=8754

You should be able to run it in linux/mac and I actually got it running in Ubuntu, but I don't have experience packaging/distributing software in those platforms so I don't have an archive for you :(

If I figure out how to make a package for them I'll post them here, meanwhile you can still download the source code and try to get it running yourself. (you'll need DUB, DMD and DSFML)

SFML projects / Re: [LD48 #31] Dark Rabbit
« on: December 08, 2014, 06:19:10 pm »
I placed traps and killed kids, but then I got game over'd and I don't know why?

D / Re: I need help with DSFML
« on: July 08, 2014, 02:49:20 am »
It seems to me that while your actual application is building in release mode, the library is building in debug. This could be a bug in DUB. What version are you using?

DUB version 0.9.21

Thanks for the help :)

D / Re: I need help with DSFML
« on: July 07, 2014, 07:52:40 pm »
Do you get the same errors when you don't use SUBSYSTEM:WINDOWS? And do you know if there is any specific object that is causing the error? Also, if you are using SUBSYSTEM:WINDOWS, how do you know you are getting the memory issue? When I hide the console and I get this kind of error it usually just crashes for me.

When I said error I meant a dialog box.

Since my first post I changed my code to call GC.collect(); at the end of the main loop. With the console, "Destroying VertexArray" is printed every frame. Without the console, the program crashes with that error dialog as soon as it's opened, or, as soon as it reaches GC.collect().

What do you mean by "It only had effect on the code that was after a debug condition in my program"? Can you elaborate a little on that?

In my program a statement such as

debug x = 5;

Will not get executed if I use the "releaseMode" option. But the statements in the wrapper such as this (template) are still executed.

Are you absolutely sure that you are using that code and you haven't modified it in any way?

Some other info would be much appreciated too.
1. What OS are you compiling on?
2. Are you compiling in 32 or 64 bits?
3. Where did you get the shared libraries you are using?

I have literally copy pasted everything.

Thanks for the reply.

D / I need help with DSFML
« on: July 02, 2014, 08:40:08 pm »
Hello, I'm picking up D this month to make a game with DSFML. I think the language is neat so far but I'm having problems using DSFML and I need help with some things.

For starters, how do I remove the console window?

I tried using the linker flag SUBSYSTEM:WINDOWS, but now my program crashes on exit with the error


It seems that this is related to the "Destroying X" messages that were written on the console when there was a console. Since now there is no console, it is an error to print. :/

Furthermore, the code to print those messages are after a "debug" condition, so I tried building my program using "releaseMode" as a building option in my dub package but it didn't have any effect. It only had effect on the code that was after a debug condition in my program, does that mean I have to somehow build the DSFML wrapper in release mode?

Besides that I'm worried that those "Destroying X" messages only ever appeared when my program exited. I heard D is garbage collected, but should I be destroying anything manually in DSFML? How? If not why stuff is only ever destroyed when the program exits?

Source code of my worries: https://github.com/Jebbs/DSFML/wiki/Building-Your-First-DSFML-Program%28DUB%29

Hey, I've been trying to download the library, but my downloads keep failing and the download speed is horribly slow(10~ KB/s).

Is it just me who is having this problem?

Window / Mouse scroll wheel input
« on: March 09, 2011, 01:58:13 pm »
Hi, is there a built in implementation of mouse scroll wheel values in sf::Input? I found out you can use sf::Event but I couldn't find it in sf::Input. Thanks.

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