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Messages - Ricky

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SFML projects / Re: FoxRaycaster
« on: September 15, 2017, 06:14:24 am »
Impressive! Any level editor or is it all hard coded?

SFML projects / Re: Luna: A game engine made for learning with Lua
« on: August 17, 2017, 04:57:54 am »
Haha cool! I've been working on my own similar project since '13 but have bee very inconsistent. Hopefully you finish it!

Can I toot my own horn for a second?


I had the same problem as you and it took me a while to figure out what was going on. You may be using some sort of forced frame limit but I'd recommend against it. Feel free to check out my article on it and give feed back. Hope it helps.

SFML projects / SFML Shape SAXT Example
« on: July 10, 2017, 09:12:13 am »
Hey guys I'm sorry for the inactivity lately. The current state of the world is depressing, aint it?  ;D

I finally got around to uploading some code I wrote a while ago on how to implement separating axis theorem using SFML's internal shape classes. I think it'd be a great way for people to get started writing their own collision code, especially if they want something a little more complex than AABB collision detection, without having to add another dependency to their projects. Hope it benefits someone!


SFML development / Re: Clipboard Support
« on: April 17, 2017, 04:53:10 am »
Thanks guys for all the support with this PR. Honestly my first time using Github to contribute to someone else's code so forgive me if I'm doing things backwards, hopefully next time things will go more smoothly.

Tank: Could you check your review? I think I may have applied the necessary changes and if so I'd appreciate it you'd approve it.

Let's see where we go from here  :)

SFML development / Re: Clipboard Support
« on: April 09, 2017, 04:23:24 am »
Okay so I fixed up the documentation and removed the copy paste errors and the example. Comments?

SFML development / Re: Clipboard Support
« on: April 06, 2017, 05:19:42 pm »
Just to be clear we are all on the same page that sf::Clipboard does not need an example and that it should be detailed in the documentation?

SFML development / Re: Clipboard Support
« on: April 06, 2017, 05:58:28 am »
Just updated some stuff on Github. Comments please!

SFML development / Re: Clipboard Support
« on: March 21, 2017, 08:06:37 pm »
Thanks for bringing attention to my PR eXpl0it3r. There is a typo in your pasted demo code.
The second test string should say "Hello world, Καλημέρα κόσμε"

I'd love to see what people think about how it is implemented and how it can be made better.

SFML website / Correction on tutorial page
« on: March 02, 2017, 05:07:10 am »
The problem can be found near the top of the tutorial page titled SFML and Linux (http://www.sfml-dev.org/tutorials/2.4/start-linux.php)

This is the problem:
Option 1 is the preferred one; if the version of SFML that you want to install is available in the official repository, then install it using your package manager. For example, on Debian you would do:

sudo apt-get install libsfml-dev
Option 3 requires more work: you need to ensure all of SFML's dependencies including their development headers are available, make sure CMake is installed, and manually execute some commands. This will result in a package which is tailored to your system.
If you want to go this way, there's a dedicated tutorial on building SFML yourself.

Finally, option 2 is a good choice for quick installation if SFML is not available as an official package. Download the SDK from the download page, unpack it and copy the files to your preferred location: either a separate path in your personal folder (like /home/me/sfml), or a standard path (like /usr/local).

If you already had an older version of SFML installed, make sure that it won't conflict with the new version!

This is the solution:
Option 1 is the preferred one; if the version of SFML that you want to install is available in the official repository, then install it using your package manager. For example, on Debian you would do:

sudo apt-get install libsfml-dev
Option 2 requires more work: you need to ensure all of SFML's dependencies including their development headers are available, make sure CMake is installed, and manually execute some commands. This will result in a package which is tailored to your system.
If you want to go this way, there's a dedicated tutorial on building SFML yourself.

Finally, option 3 is a good choice for quick installation if SFML is not available as an official package. Download the SDK from the download page, unpack it and copy the files to your preferred location: either a separate path in your personal folder (like /home/me/sfml), or a standard path (like /usr/local).

If you already had an older version of SFML installed, make sure that it won't conflict with the new version!

This way of wording things makes more sense given the numbers.

General discussions / Re: New Blog - New Host!
« on: November 14, 2016, 01:25:12 am »
New blog based on Jekyll! Following in the footsteps of Elias (I totally understand why he dumped Wordpress) I moved over to Github + Jekyll too. However instead of using a premade template I designed my website from scratch, logo and all. Learned a lot of valuable skills that I hope to never use again because I hate web design with a passion but that is besides the point. Sorry for getting side tracked. I hope to be writing articles a lot more regularly.


Wow lol I totally forgot I already posted this. My memory must be really bad! What I meant to say was: New article, intro to SFML series transfered from old blog is now up. Man my memory is bad. I really need to sleep more.

SFML projects / Alt Ctrl Jam 2016 Entry
« on: September 28, 2016, 11:16:35 pm »
Hey all. I made something pretty cool using SFML. I created a simple controller with the Arduino and got it talking to SFML. Here is a link to the Github page.

Here is the link to the game on Itch https://itch.io/jam/altctrl2016/rate/87690


General discussions / Re: AW: New Blog - New Host!
« on: September 16, 2016, 10:49:11 pm »
Hehe, who doesn't know these rabbit holes where you end up doing a ton of stuff, but not what you originally wanted to do. :D

The new design looks awesome!

Personally I would prefer using a dedicated domain, so one is not dependent on other company's domain service and any future change could happen transparently. But maybe that's just me. ;)

It'll happen when the budget comes :)

General discussions / Re: New Blog - Syntactic Stevia
« on: September 15, 2016, 07:46:09 am »
Okay so I know I haven't been doing much progress but a lot has happened since the last 3 articles I wrote. I had been really fighting with Wordpress to make my latest article, Texture Atlases and Sprite Batching, when I decided to just quit and go over to Jekyll (like Elias did).

I however didn't just want to go over to Jekyll and just used a prebuilt theme, no no that would be too simple and I love to over complicate my life so I decided to make my theme completly from scratch. I even made a logo for myself.

Things I've learned in a week and a half.
SVG are just XML
animating SVG with CSS

So here is the work in progress version of the site. It's still not done yet but the general layout is starting to be visible.


I'd love some comments of criticism. The blog will be moved to this site when its finished.

General discussions / Re: [SFML] ECS Architecture Efficiency
« on: September 03, 2016, 12:40:45 am »
Things for to do with SFML:
1.) reuse texture objects(do not make textured trip load data to them instead)
2.) use vertex arrays for for big stuff(e.g. tile map)
Usual things for C++ in order to optimize your code:
1.) use references(e.g. pass const std::string& instead of copying)
2.) avoid constant memory allocations using new/delete/malloc/etc.
3.) precalculate slow formulas

People underestimate how flattening an algorithm into one big function actually makes room for more optimizations.

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