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Messages - JohnStabler

Pages: [1]
General discussions / Re: SFML 2.0 RC
« on: April 19, 2012, 01:32:55 pm »
This is great news. I'll be downloading and testing the .NET version 2.0 RC tonight. I'll probably use it in my current project.

Thanks Laurent

SFML projects / Nebula Frontiers - MMO Space Combat/Trading
« on: January 31, 2012, 11:02:33 pm »
Quote from: "ingwik"
One question though, the "bubbles" emitting from the ship instead of smoke, is that an animation or some kind of particle generation?


DotNet / DotNET question: managing playing multiple sounds
« on: January 31, 2012, 06:08:55 pm »
I guess i'll just have to maintain a collection of sounds that are playing and then prune it every so often of sounds that have finished?

DotNet / DotNET question: managing playing multiple sounds
« on: January 31, 2012, 05:07:49 pm »
What would be the best way of handling multiple Sound objects? For instance, if I have a laser sound effect that is triggered twice in quick succession, the second call to the Play method on the sound causes it to stop and then play from the beginning. I'd want both sounds to be playing at the same time.

Is there any problem with creating a Sound object instance on the fly and then immediately playing it? Will I need to keep a reference to the sound to keep it playing?

SFML projects / Nebula Frontiers - MMO Space Combat/Trading
« on: January 23, 2012, 06:51:36 pm »
Quote from: "SaturnElena"
the missles look neat  8)

Thanks. The thrust trail in them was as wide as the ships themselves which looked a bit odd. I've reduced it in the latest build so they look a bit more realistic now. New videos and an alpha demo not to far away...

SFML projects / Nebula Frontiers - MMO Space Combat/Trading
« on: January 12, 2012, 09:20:51 am »
I thought I'd introduce my current SFML.Net project. I've just published a first-look video of the game engine. So far, feedback from gamers has been very positive and I'd love to know what some of you guys think.


DotNet / .net clock
« on: January 06, 2012, 09:25:43 am »
I've found Window.GetFrameTime the best way to sync update events etc. The .NET timer and StopWatch classes just don't seem to cut it when working to 10s of milliseconds. Try this:


DotNet / SFML 2 Collision Detection in C#
« on: January 04, 2012, 09:21:50 pm »
For anybody who is interested, I took the C++ pixel-perfect collision detection code, recoded it in C# and added a static image collection to handle the changes to the way SFML treats images/textures.

I've been using it in my current project and it behaves very well.

SFML 2 Collision Detection in C#

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