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Messages - fer_t

Pages: [1] 2
Network / Re: Packet << Vector
« on: March 10, 2017, 12:50:28 am »
I think the problem is there is no function to call with parameter pointer so it casts the pointer to bool (true if not nullpointer false otherwise).
But this will trigger msvc warning about int to bool cast warning:

Window / Re: Created GL context does not meet requested
« on: January 23, 2017, 03:56:49 pm »
Thank you!
Using the last commit as patch worked for me!

I noticed it is now in the sfml master: https://github.com/SFML/SFML/commit/022f1590d815ff07a1ea70fc225446bb03abf698

Window / Re: Created GL context does not meet requested
« on: January 18, 2017, 01:38:07 am »
Enumerate those with the glxinfo command on a console and post the full output here.

Ok see attached file.

Window / Created GL context does not meet requested
« on: January 17, 2017, 06:59:35 pm »
I am using 2.4.1 now and it seems something is broken, when trying to enable AA I get:
Warning: The created OpenGL context does not fully meet the settings that were requested
Requested: version = 1.1 ; depth bits = 0 ; stencil bits = 0 ; AA level = 8 ; core = false ; debug = false ; sRGB = false
Created: version = 3.0 ; depth bits = 0 ; stencil bits = 0 ; AA level = 0 ; core = false ; debug = false ; sRGB = false

I have attached the test file I used. The driver supports up to 8x AA (this worked last time I used it).
glGetIntegerv(GL_MAX_SAMPLES_EXT, &a);
Also returns 8.

I use an AMD 280x on openSUSE 42.1 Linux (opensource driver).
Does someone has an idea whats the problem?

General / Re: best way to calculate length of vector
« on: May 25, 2016, 02:04:13 am »
250 000 000 iterations
custom vs STL

GCC 5.3.1: 1.79349 seconds vs 2.45667 seconds
clang++:      1.52534 seconds vs 2.7238 seconds

No idea why the custom version is faster, maybe because it can inline a lot and the optimize it better.

Graphics / sf::Text position
« on: May 06, 2016, 03:06:13 am »
I am a bit confused about sf::Text and its positioning.

If origin is set to upper left corner 0,0 and I place it (setPosition) at 0,0 I expect it to start from 0,0 and extend to getGlobalBounds.width, getGlobalBounds.height.

But actually it does not start at 0,0 even if the origin is set to 0,0 and position is set to 0,0.
That is quite confusing, see first attachment: "Hallo" is placed as described and the RectangleShape is created:
sf::RectangleShape b({20, 5});
b.setPosition(0, s.getGlobalBounds().height);

So normally the bottom of the H should be end at the beginning of the shape and not overlap, or am I wrong?

Another example is attachment 2 (b.png) where all my menu entries are misplaced (see markers are where I expect the text to start).

Yes I know globalBounds.top gives me the offset (found that few minutes ago), but why is this offset always added?

@Nexus I know that was a quick solution, I personally wait for C++17 (I already use C++14 functions in many projects, the only problem is the bad compiler support, at least if your users / devs use msvc), because I try to reduce dependencies.
And the linked "solution" is not designed to be used as a library, is simply a solution for the problem I had in that project, I only wanted to show that it is not that hard.

But you made a point: If you use a 3rd party library you save time.

Feature requests / Add support for Opus audio
« on: February 22, 2016, 02:33:30 am »

It would be great if sfml would support opus as audio format.
Opus is a free / open audio format and at the moment the codec with the
best quality per bitrate, at least for low bitrates (< 100kb/s) but still good at higher bitrates.
It was developed to replace speex and gets now more and more used for VoIP applications,
because it provides very low delay (see:  wikipedia).
But it provides also better compression then vorbis or mp3 / aac and most other lossy codecs,
with better compression I mean better quality / bitrate, for a comparison see:

I personally use it for all my audio files, because I do not need loss less audio in my games.
And especially voice, which is often used in games, can be compressed at very low bitrates without noticeable quality loss ( <96kb/s).

Yesterday I merged my custom changes into a sfml fork, so you can try it your self:

Feedback is very welcome :-)

Using POSIX and Windows API a filesystem abstraction is not that hard, a simple one could look like this:

Base class (.cpp)
Base class (.h)
Windows implementation
Unix implementation

SFML projects / Re: adventure3d: Simple raycaster with SFML
« on: January 20, 2016, 09:07:03 pm »
Looks great :D

But for me it only works if I switch the windows (some other, e.g. terminal) and then switch back.
Something with hasFocus is wrong... (compiled with sfml 2.3.2 on openSUSE 42.2)

General / Re: SVG Images
« on: October 09, 2015, 06:32:49 pm »
But it would be a nice feature, because it would save a lot of diskspace.
If I only need one SVG (which is also very easy to compress) instead of a lot of png files or one big and scale it.
But I think this is a lot of work.

SFML website / Re: Statistics
« on: May 10, 2013, 11:21:53 am »
This stats would be very interessting.

If you need code to track downloads: in most cases they work so:
Your download link links to a PHP which gets operating system and saves it to database then it redirects to the file.

Feature requests / Re: sfml for ps4
« on: May 05, 2013, 01:35:58 am »
Close to the truth boy ;)
But I am not "PS4" ;) I read this and some parts stayed in my mind...
Already the PS3 has great power, so the CELL - processor is very powerful, but you can not compare it with PC CPUs because it is an other architecture... So if you can program it right I think it is more powerful then the common CPUs in PCs.
But this is the problem of console games:
Most developer publish their game on PC, XBOX and PS so they have 3 different architectures and in most cases they first program for PC and only adapt them to the consoles.
But the PS CPU (CELL) need much more programming to get the whole power...

And an other problem:
In the PS3 is a great CPU but few memory and a mid-class graphic card...

But next generation should have a "normal" architecture (Ok I think the x86-64 is obsolete and heavy) so may they can get more power from it ;)
And no I do not want to advertise the PS4.

But guys I think we get off the subject...
So technically it is possible to bring SFML to PS4, but can you share your games? I think for play games on the PS they need to verified by Sony and this is how they get money...
Best regards,

Feature requests / Re: sfml for ps4
« on: April 27, 2013, 01:12:02 am »
The great advantage of the ps4 is that it has no bus between CPU and GPU so it has very low latency.
Which no (gaming) PC CPU with dedicated graphiccard combination can beat. So this is a ideal environment for games with much physics and (often) mutating objects.
So the PS4 (with this AMD CPU) is better in this as Intel CPUs in modern gaming PCs.

Sorry for bad english, wrote that with my Nexus with german auto-correction ;)


General / Re: SFML2.0rc and Radeons
« on: August 09, 2012, 04:30:54 pm »
Which version of MESA do you use?

For me it works with Kernel 3.1.10, MESA 7.11 and radeonHD driver.

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