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Messages - Mad

Pages: 1 [2] 3
DotNet / Re: c# example for particle system?
« on: August 30, 2013, 09:03:48 pm »
Glad you like the idea, I decided to go ahead and upload it. Here is the thread wherre you can read all about NetEXT.

That was quick! Thanks for sharing.  :D I have the fireworks demo up and running. NICE!
I will have a deeper look into the lib to see what effects I can arrange with this particle system.  :D

DotNet / Map and Map Editor
« on: August 30, 2013, 07:59:43 pm »
Hello all!

After the great feedback coding a particle system (see http://en.sfml-dev.org/forums/index.php?topic=12788.0 ), I have now another question.

Coding makes fun, but it's not neccessary to build the wheel again and again, if someone has a good solution.  :D

So, i need a mapsystem for 2d map tiles. There are several examples out there, but I want to use an existing Map Tile Editor (with multi layers).
Perhaps an editor like iTile: http://tide.codeplex.com/
or Tiled http://www.mapeditor.org/
Has anybody an existing solution for this and want's to share it?  :D

DotNet / Re: c# example for particle system?
« on: August 30, 2013, 07:44:16 pm »
Actually it does have an almost complete clone. I am currently working on it - particles and large texture/sprite/rendertexture are currently done. I will be publishing it soon too. And here is a screenshot of the ported fireworks example from Thor.

YES, that are really good news!  :D
At the end, we will have 5 different Particlesystems here for different application areas. Cool  8)

DotNet / Re: c# example for particle system?
« on: August 30, 2013, 05:09:06 pm »
I think I'll add color to it, clean up some spots, and then it should be good to upload to sourceforge -- just note that its nowhere near 100% done.   :)

gogogo, I will see how you handle the drawing process.   :D

DotNet / Re: c# example for particle system?
« on: August 30, 2013, 09:48:18 am »
Looks pretty good so far -- is this a separate particle system that you are making? How'd you end up handling Particles Per Second?

yes, it's my first experiment in SFML.  :)
I'm using the Stopwatch to get the milliseconds since last frame loop and calculate the new position with it.

DotNet / Re: c# example for particle system?
« on: August 29, 2013, 05:03:03 pm »
I can't really agree to start this new project as a team effort.. not at this time at least. That isnt to say that we can't help each other out with our individual games though.  :)

no problem, it was just an idea, because I'm still in testings things out.  :D
Your game is very fast at all. too fast for me....  ;D

Quote from: Mister
I will have the source code up as soon as I get a decent example running.  :D

I'm waiting.  :)
Meanwhile a short screen of my current particle test. It's not still, what I want to have...  :-\

screenshot 2 + 3 look now much better, I think?

DotNet / Re: c# example for particle system?
« on: August 29, 2013, 10:15:38 am »
Thanks for your information. I had a look at Thor early. It's a pitty there is no C# clone  :-\
But it seems to be a very useful library!!

Hey, thanks for sharing. I will have a look at your lib. Is the client/server part stabil?

Nice one!  :D
Can you tell me, what are you using? Sprites or only Vertex?
As I can see from your blog,you have plans to make a Top Down Shooter shooter? Maybe we can stick together?
I have plans to make also a shooter...but Left Right  ;D my first idea was an uridium clone with much more features.
Maybe we can combine Top Down Shooter with Top Down and double knowledge?  8)

DotNet / Re: c# example for particle system?
« on: August 28, 2013, 04:29:16 pm »
Alright so it turns out the idea of porting Mercury over to SFML is completely out-of-scope. I am going to be looking into alternatives.

 :-\ bad luck.
But maybe only some good explosion, smoke and fire effects in c#? Heeelp  :)

DotNet / Re: c# example for particle system?
« on: August 28, 2013, 10:53:52 am »
Quote from: Mad
lerning SFML it's also my part at the moment.
but less time as usal  :P
Yeah I'm a full time software engineer so I have little time to play too  :'(

Me too! You are wellcome!  ;D

Quote from: Mister
I was just taking a look at Mercury and it seems pretty robust -- they even have a particle editor! That would definitely be a cool thing to carry over... This will be an interesting task...  ;D

no need to convert the editor, because gui development is no fun at all in my opinion....  :o
But I agree, the mercury editor is still a little buggy....  :-\

Quote from: Mister
Alright so while I wait for other things to transpire -- I decided to start a port of Mercury to SFML. You can check it out here:

Cool. But no download yet?  ;)

Quote from: Mister
It's going to be a pain because I want to strip out the 3D portion and just leave the 2D portion there.

I have a short look in the source code, seems there are only 4 classes for the main parts (particle.cs, ParticleEffect.cs, ParticleEffectManager.cs and SpriteBatchRenderer.cs)
all other stuff is only 'nice to have'  ;)

DotNet / Re: c# example for particle system?
« on: August 27, 2013, 07:57:38 pm »
Quote from: Mister

Well its already in C#  ;)
It'd have to be ported to SFML.

yes, I saw it and that's why I removed my post  ::)

Quote from: Mister
Anything and everything that I port over to C#/SFML will be open for all to use -- I just need to learn more about SFML and then I can start converting different things over.  8)

lerning SFML it's also my part at the moment.
but less time as usal  :P

Quote from: Mister
I know you need a solution now but I'm not sure what else to do.  :-\

Nooo! Not now, but in a few weeks it would be ok.  8)

DotNet / c# example for particle system?
« on: August 27, 2013, 01:57:31 pm »

I've found a lot of c++ examples for particle systems, but c++ is really not my passion.  ???

So can someone give me an example class for a particle system in C# ?

Thanks!!!  :)

DotNet / Re: TGUI for C#
« on: August 27, 2013, 10:12:59 am »
Hi Texus!

Thank you very much! I followed your steps and it works well!  :D

Do you have any plans to add modal windows and messagboxes?

DotNet / Re: missing methods in 2.0/2.1?
« on: August 26, 2013, 06:52:02 pm »
My bad. There were sooooo many changes in SFML 2.0 that I gave up writing a changelog. But it wouldn't have been so useful, because as I said, everything changed; it was not just additions and renamings.

no problem at all.  ;D
In the meantime I've found the solution for my problem  8)

Keep up your excellent work on SFML !!!! :)

DotNet / Re: missing methods in 2.0/2.1?
« on: August 26, 2013, 04:46:02 pm »
Please read the documentation. It's not as if the Sprite class had millions of member functions to browse :P

you are right  ::) but a changelog might be helpful. I havn't found one....

DotNet / Re: TGUI for C#
« on: August 26, 2013, 04:18:11 pm »

Is there any chance to get a windows port of the library?
website says: 'Windows users will have to wait until I am in the mood to boot up my windows.'   :-[

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