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C / SFML_Main in C?
« on: March 09, 2009, 06:50:21 am »
Hello, I'm trying to use the C version of SFML 1.4 but I've run in to a couple of problems. Hopefully someone can help me?

One of the window tutorials recommends linking to sfml-main.lib to have a WinMain() provided for you - however this lib doesn't seem to be included in the C SDK. I'm guessing it's not a good idea to try using the version from the C++ SDK? What should I do here? My program is meant to be cross platform, and even though I'm building on windows with mingw I'm not a windows developer, so I would prefer to use the lib rather than make my own WinMain.

I also have the same problem as deltaphc in an earlier thread: when compiling I get a "redefinition of typedef 'sfRenderWindow'" error. I see that it's already been fixed, but the download from the SFML homepage doesn't seem to include the fix. Will this be updated soon?

Thanks in advance!

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