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Messages - R23MJ

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SFML projects / Re: pseuthe - casual survival game
« on: July 06, 2015, 07:45:50 pm »
Fallahn, how do you feel about me porting the code over to iOS and uploading it to the App Store? It might take me a while, I will have to convert it to C# and setup the environment but I can post back here when it is done. If you don't mind and want any specifics you can message me.

SFML projects / Re: [IOS] Get Big - Simple lifting game
« on: July 06, 2015, 07:00:40 pm »
I have no iOS device so I can't test the app, but it looks nice. :)

Thank you :) Even though the concept was simple it still took a bit of work.

Since there are only very few people who have done iOS development with SFML, it might be interesting if you could talk a bit about how you did it.

Compiling SFML and Setting up the Environment
Sure, I'd love to. Note: I do not currently have access to the Mac the game was developed on. So if I do not give exact instructions in XCode, this is why.
Setting up the environment was honestly the hard part. Like you said, very few people actually develop iOS apps with SFML, so finding a tutorial on how to actually set it up was impossible. I built and compiled SFML like the old tutorial (http://en.sfml-dev.org/forums/index.php?topic=13716.0) shows how. Around this time things started getting tricky. I could not include the SFML include files, I added the path to them in XCodes "User Defined Header Paths" section and to the "Header Paths" section to no avail. I eventually investigated the predefined location in "Header Paths" but the path was no existent, I created it and dragged the SFML include file it. This fixed the problem. After successfully getting SFML to include and link, I decided to give my app a test run, sadly this lead to even more errors (http://en.sfml-dev.org/forums/index.php?topic=18323.0). These errors were because I didn't link to the iOS libraries required by SFML, sadly a list of these is no where to be found. To fix this problem I simply dug around in the SFML source, each of the main source directories (i.e. "...\SFML\Graphics\" or "...\SFML\Window\") has a CMakeList.txt file. In these files you can find the dependencies for each system. The required iOS frameworks are:


When building an iOS app it is mandatory to include these. After finally getting that all sorted out I started writing the code and again decided to give it a test run. This time libJpeg was giving me problems. I'm not entirely sure how it was built, but when I tried to run my app it was telling me it was built using different architectures. I simply downloaded the libJpeg source (http://www.ijg.org/files/) and rebuilt it with the architectures I was using. After this it was smooth sailing for awhile. Everything ran on the simulator no errors, not even a warning. Then I tried to build on a device. Apple seems to enjoy watching developers suffer, I did some searching online and eventually found that in order for my app to work on a device I needed to build the SFML source for simulator and device. After building it for both I needed to combine the outputs and create what is known as a "Fat" library, to accomplish this there was a terminal command like so
lipo -create lib-sfml-graphics-device.a lib-sfml-graphics-sim.a -output lib-sfml-graphics-s.a
. Do so with each library eventually worked and my app worked great on devices.

*Skip forward a bit*

The code was now complete and worked perfectly, by now I was used to XCode and knew that I needed to build the app in archive format, verify it in XCode a few times, navigate to the directory where a stored my archive and upload it to iTunesConnect.

My Experience with Apple
Working with Apple isn't easy, they are very thorough with anything that makes it onto their stores. A quick read through the iOS review guidelines (https://developer.apple.com/app-store/review/guidelines/) will show you what I mean. That's not including the iOS Human Interface Guidelines (https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/documentation/UserExperience/Conceptual/MobileHIG/) or the... well you get the point. Anyways, after uploading the app to iTunesConnect I was able to allow friends and family test the app using Apples TestFlight beta. Several builds later I was finally ready to submit the app. I submitted the app for the first time, less than two days later one of my testers informs me of a bug he had found. I fixed the bug, and added a few things we planned to wait on, but decided it was better to add in the initial release. After uploading the new build to iTunesConnect I was distraught when I found that I was not simply allowed to update the app currently in review. I needed to take it out of review and submit the new one, making the previous 2 days worthless. Ten days later I received word from Apple. My app had been rejected because the screenshots did not show the app in action. Again, disappointed that my previous time had gone to waste I immediately took screenshots of everything. I mean everything. I uploaded them and again submitted my app. This time I only needed to wait 7 days to here from Apple. My app had finally been accepted and was ready to hit the store.

What's Next?
With no longer having access to a Mac, my only option for updating the game, and my plans for future games, is to find a way to develop apps on my PC. Preferably Visual Studios, considering it is the compiler I am used to. After some searching I was disappointed to find no solution that allowed me to continue development in C++. I would need to learn C# if anyone here started with C++ then took a look at C# you know it is very foreign (I mean, why is everything in a class? Seriously?) but that is a discussion for another time. I am using Xamarin, a Visual Studios plugin for iOS, Android and windows phone development, it is only available with C#, luckily SFML has a dotNet binding. I will be setting everything up later today or tomorrow, and will report back with my findings. I also plan to incorporate Thor, I started to mess with it just after this project was uploaded, and I must say it is a very nice addition to SFML.

Thank you to the SFML forums for all your support.

SFML projects / [IOS] Get Big - Simple lifting game
« on: July 01, 2015, 11:58:55 pm »
Hello SFML Forums.
A while ago some friends and I decided to begin working on a small game, eventually we decided to port it over to iOS. The game is about lifting, your main goal while playing is the increase your "Max", the maximum weight you can lift. What better way to achieve this then tapping :D.

Link to store: https://appsto.re/us/yPY27.i
copy and paste this into Safari on your phone. Searching may not come up with the app because of how new it is.

Test Your Max - Tap as fast as you can to lift the weight, increasing your Max each rep until failure.
Lift For Reps - Again tap as fast as you can to lift the weight, however in this mode the weight stays the same between reps and you are given no rest for a total of four reps. Each set you complete in reps mode will increase your "Strength modifier" allowing you to easily lift more weight.

The Shop:
The shop currently only offers protein shakes, but these small drinks will increase your strength modifier significantly! To buy a protein shake you need to earn a total of 50 coins, you can do this by simply playing the game, each time you lift the weight to the top your player earns one coin!


Note: This is written in C++ with SFML, SFML loads the graphics and plays the audio and, well everything. Thank you to Laurent for making this possible.

If sf:: is actually used as namespace, I advise you to use a different one to prevent confusion - some people might think it's something official from SFML. ;)

I can see where that would be a problem. Is there anyway to actually change the title of the thread?

Edit:: Found out how to change thread name.

"Map" is rather ambiguous. It could be a map of anything to anything. Tilemap/TileMap might be more appropriate and would suggest that it's a map of tiles  ;)

I suppose, I'll go ahead and go with sf::Tilemap so there is no confusion on what it actually is. Thank you for the suggestion!

Is it possible to allow for different formats?
Yes, I might do a compressed and non-compressed, similar to Tiled.

In what format are the maps saved?
I was considering adopting the Tiled format, however I may store it in my own format. As stated there will be prebuilt libraries distributed with it for loading convenience.

SFML projects / [WIP] A Tile Map Editor and Loader designed for SFML!
« on: June 09, 2015, 12:58:32 am »
Despite the name, sf::Tilemap is not an extension to SFML, but rather a Map Editor built around it. This is a little something I was working on for my next few projects. It is a simplistic Map Editor with a few basic controls. This is just a project I like to work on when I'm stumped or bored.

Below is a list of current and planned features.

 - Left click to place tiles.
 - Right click to delete tiles.
 - Middle click to change current tile to tile at location.
 - LShift Left click to fill layer.
 - LShift Right click to empty layer.

Current Features
 - 512x512 Map Canvas to build on.
 - 32x32 Tile support.
 - Scrollable tile set window 256x(Tile set Height).
 - Layers.

Planned Features
 - Customizable Map Canvas.
 - 16x16 and 64x64 tile support.
 - Layer Attributes.
 - Jukebox : Add audio relative and non-relative to player.
 - Light : (LTBL2?)
 - Saving/Loading, prebuilt DLL for easy implementation.
 - Attach tileset window to Canvas window, option to drag it off.
 - Optimize code (Implement OOP)

Blank Canvas, Showing off layout.
(click to show/hide)

Simple Test map I made.
(click to show/hide)

Tiles are public domain images, not created by myself.

General / Re: iOS Build error, possible linking problem?
« on: June 05, 2015, 03:44:17 pm »
Thanks anyways, I have a few things I am going to try.

General / Re: iOS Build error, possible linking problem?
« on: June 05, 2015, 03:33:08 pm »
What type of target do I need to create then, I made an empty project, but there is no empty target to add to my project, and without a target, it won't build.

General / Re: iOS Build error, possible linking problem?
« on: June 05, 2015, 02:21:11 pm »
Okay thank you, I figured it out I think. But now for some reason I get a blank screen on the simulator. I set my project up with the iOS game template, and I'm not sure what to do with the items provided from the template, the gameviewcontroller etc., also, where should I put my resources, I have tried just dragging them in the project, and even loading from an absolute directory, but nothing draws on screen.

General / Re: iOS Build error, possible linking problem?
« on: June 05, 2015, 01:29:30 pm »
I apologize for having to bother you again, but I pawed through the SFML project settings and cannot find the dependencies, besides window depends on system, and so forth. I did find a setting showing where the dependencies info.dat file was, but I searched and cannot find that file, "sfml-graphics-s_dependencies_info.dat" to be exact. Where exactly is this file in the SFML project?

General / Re: iOS Build error, possible linking problem?
« on: June 05, 2015, 12:39:48 pm »
Thank you, you are a life saver, I have all the extlibs linked, is there a list of all the standard libraries SFML uses around here anywhere?

General / Re: iOS Build error, possible linking problem?
« on: June 05, 2015, 12:27:20 pm »
That might just be it, excuse me for my lack of knowledge with developing with Xcode, (and for Mac/iOS) but is that something Apple provides? I just need to put "CoreMotion.framework" in my linked libraries and Xcode will handle its location? Or do I need to download it somewhere? Thank you for your help.

General / iOS Build error, possible linking problem?
« on: June 05, 2015, 12:10:33 am »
I am getting an error I believe to be a linking error, as I do not work with Xcode, or on mac very often I find it hard to debug errors there. If anyone could help me figure out what this error might be, that would be amazing.

Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64:
  "_OBJC_CLASS_$_CMMotionManager", referenced from:
      objc-class-ref in libsfml-window-s.a(SFAppDelegate.o)
ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture x86_64

After fiddling with it a little more, I think the problem has something to do with the Architectures I am using to build SFML and the ones I am using to build my project. I have tried every possible combination of them and nothing seems to work, I always get errors similar to the one above, maybe saying i386 instead of x86_64. Here is a screenshot of my settings page currently.

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