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Messages - ZeroZ30o

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General / Re: Flashing screen on loading/alt-tab
« on: February 18, 2016, 09:05:03 am »
Just tested on another computer (windows XP 2002) and it doesn't flash and prints the screen correctly.

Not sure if it's even fixable inside the code. Maybe something about focus?

General / [FIXED] Flashing screen on loading/alt-tab
« on: February 17, 2016, 11:17:44 pm »
The screen flashes when sfml loads and when you alt tab - and displays the last picture that appeared on the last focus lost when doing a prt scrn (print screen).

(Trying to figure out if this is OS related)

· Works on:
   (1 computers) Windows 7 home premium edition 64 bit + AMD Radeon HD 6870
   (1 computers) Windows 7 home edition 64 bit
   (1 computer) Windows XP (?) edition (?) bit
   (2 computers) Linux (?) - On wine
   (1 computer) Windows 10 professional edition 64 bit + AMD Radeon HD 7570

· Bugs on:
   (1 computer) Windows 7 professional edition 64 bit + NVIDIA GeForce GTX 660 Ti
   (1 computer) Windows 7 ultimate edition 64 bit + NVIDIA GeForce GTX 650 Ti
   (1 computers) Windows 7 home edition 64 bit + AMD Radeon HD 5850M

EDIT: I don't know when this has started happening, but this is a very very old issue (about 80 versions).

EDIT: It still happens on "fullscreen" window style.

EDIT: It does not happen on borderless windowed mode IF the resolution is not your fullscreen resolution (aka 1279x1023 instead of 1280x1024).

When in the level in game:

What shows up when you print screen (even tho this is not what you see):

I use windows 7 and have tested this on other machines. I've heard this works fine on Wine (linux) without any weird snapshot.

Window code:
   sf::RenderWindow window(sf::VideoMode(control.resolution.x, control.resolution.y), "SBA",sf::Style::None);

I really don't know what is relevant for this, so please do ask for specific parts of code. It may be OS-specific, or hardware stuff... I really have no clue (hence why I posted in general and not window).

Here is a link of the game for testing:

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